Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Tooth! (AKA 3 Weeks of Teething Hell)

Krew has his first tooth!

Getting that tooth, however, proved to be nearly more than I could bear. His teething started with extra drooling and fist chewing, which was cute even if it did soak through his bib to his shirt underneath. He started waking up more often at night, to the point where he was getting up nearly every 2 hours. He was fussier during the day. When he was napping he would sleep for shorter periods of time and have fewer naps.

Because of his age, he lacks the coordination required to use a teething ring (that can be chilled), and he has only just figured out how to get the links in his mouth without hitting his eye on the way. Actually, when he chews on his links, he reminds me of this:
Ludo and one of the Doorknockers rings

To help him (us) cope with his teething, we've been using a combination of Orajel (or Anbesol) and gripe water. We also had heard about how amber bracelets help with teething and so I went out and bought one. The amber in the bracelet (supposedly) helps with pain relief and calms the baby. While he has improved since we bought it, it's hard to say if it was the bracelet itself or just his tooth  making an arrival that has calmed him. Regardless, we have not removed it!

The only bad thing about Krew's tooth arriving is that it came alone. Meaning that the other one will soon be turning him into a crank again.

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