Monday, October 24, 2011

29 weeks

Or at least I think he's at 29 weeks. Regardless, he's in the 6 month bracket and he's taking up way more of my time than he did before. I've been meaning to write this post for a couple weeks but I have less energy. He doesn't sleep as much as he did, but apparently that's normal since 2 other moms from my dance studio with babies his age have been missing out on sleep too. Misery loves company, right?

He got his shots on October 3rd, the day after he hit 6 months. He really shot up the charts in length and weight from his 4 month shots! He's now about 20 lbs and 28 inches long. Dr. Fredeen said that he was about the size of an 8-9 month old. He passed the 97th percentile in length and he's in the 85-97 percentile for weight. However, he's still in the 50-85 percentile for his height to length ratio. He did well getting his shots, but seemed more out of it than usual for the week following his shots. He was warmer and seemed more dozy. We had also started him on solids a couple weeks prior and he wasn't interested in eating food (but was still taking a bottle at least). It took him about a week to get back to normal and he's 100% improved now. Except for his stuffy nose.

Somewhere along the road he became nasally congested (is that a word?) so we've been using a saline spray to clear him out. It was pretty bad at first and he still hates the spray but he calms down a lot quicker now. I think he just doesn't like objects stuffed up his nose. To be honest, I think he picked it up from the health clinic (ironic) because they gave him a toy to play with and it immediately went into his mouth. I doubt they sanitize their toys between kids and I honestly didn't think anything of it at the time. Neither Kevin nor I have been sick, so unless Kevin brought something home from work, he got it from the clinic.

Speaking of the health clinic, when a baby goes in for their 6 month shots the parent is given a questionnaire to fill out on the baby's development. Which is fine, unless the baby isn't as far along as the baby "should" be. That part really pissed me off and I think it has to do entirely with the way the nurse worded what she said. For those of you that have already heard this rant, feel free to skip over it. Krew scored normal for a few things, borderline in problem solving, and below average for fine motor skills. The fine motor skills tests how well a baby can grab things using their fingers versus their whole hand. When you are doing the questionnaire, you are supposed to test all of these things on your baby before answering (unless you know for a fact that they can already do the task). However, I didn't have anything small (the size of a cheerio) with me so I just marked down "Not Yet" on the tasks. When it came time to discuss his score, the nurse asked if I had tried any of these things and I said no. When asked why, I said that he wasn't eating cheerios yet (for the questions that actually involved cheerios) and also that I didn't have anything that I wanted him to choke on. She then suggested that he see an infant development specialist and that's when I got angry. It's very possible that I took it the wrong way, but I said that it wasn't necessary since he had just turned 6 months, was 3 weeks early, and had torticollis (which has set him back for things like sitting). She did admit that the questionnaire was for kids between the ages of 6-8 months, but if I wanted she could refer him to a specialist. There's nothing wrong with him! She started out the interview by saying that all kids develop at different points, but now she wants him to see a specialist?!? I denied, again, and she had me take home an 8 month questionnaire with essentially the same questions. I'm supposed to call her when he hits 8 months and tell her how he scored. Even in the 3 weeks since his shots his development has changed drastically. At the time of his shots he wasn't putting his feet in his mouth and now he does it every time his toes are exposed. He has started sitting a little more independently. He isn't quite picking things up with his thumb and forefinger yet, but soon.

Other fun facts?

Krew gained another tooth about a month ago, and one of his top ones are on the way! I wasn't able to see the other side properly but I may have seen some white. He also LOOOOVES his jolly jumper and has really good form while jumping. He eats so well and loves sweet potatoes mixed with apples/pears (so good). He also loves squash, but isn't a fan of turkey, lol. I can't blame him though, it smells nasty. I've actually taken to making his baby food, something that I never was really sure I would do. In fact, I was never sure I liked sweet potato or squash until I tried his and now it's something I plan on eating regularly.

Krew sleeps less during the day and will typically have 1 hour naps when he does go down. I'm finding it easier to interact with him and he's such a little stinker. He purposefully does things to make me laugh and so we laugh A LOT together.

Isis is totally in love with him and comes within reaching distance so he can pet her. Even on the couple times when he's grabbed her fur she hasn't hissed or ran away. Link likes to sit and watch him (it's mutual) but won't come within arm's reach yet. Smart cat.

Krew is still unpredictable with people. He loves people who smile at him and talk to him, but he shuts right up when they're talking to me. However, I had a cashier chat him up and he was loving it until she went to touch his face, then apparently he froze and looked panicked. I missed that part and the cashier told me (maybe in case he started screeching?).

He reaches for everything now, his favourites being the remote and my cell phone. If he's on my lap at my computer he will also reach for the keyboard. Luckily I have a large wrist thingie so he can touch that without touching the keys.

He makes a lot more noise now, and sometimes it sounds like he's saying "hi" or "hey." There have even been a couple "mom" noises in there and last night his squawk sounded like a "what?" He hasn't been making the traditional ba, ga, ka noises as indicated on his questionnaire but I'm sure that won't be too far off.

I think Krew is a content baby. And by content, I mean unmotivated to move. Despite being able to roll over and even sit, he has NO motivation to actually do any of these things on his own. I'd be worried, except I'm kind of that way so I can see where he's coming from, lol.

I'm not sure what else to say at the moment. I had planned on this being a quick note (so I could stop feeling guilty) but it ended up being longer than originally anticipated. (PS sorry for any typos!) Unfortunately, I also did it on my lap top so I can't upload any pictures, but if you're on my facebook, you've probably seen then already anyway.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Tooth! (AKA 3 Weeks of Teething Hell)

Krew has his first tooth!

Getting that tooth, however, proved to be nearly more than I could bear. His teething started with extra drooling and fist chewing, which was cute even if it did soak through his bib to his shirt underneath. He started waking up more often at night, to the point where he was getting up nearly every 2 hours. He was fussier during the day. When he was napping he would sleep for shorter periods of time and have fewer naps.

Because of his age, he lacks the coordination required to use a teething ring (that can be chilled), and he has only just figured out how to get the links in his mouth without hitting his eye on the way. Actually, when he chews on his links, he reminds me of this:
Ludo and one of the Doorknockers rings

To help him (us) cope with his teething, we've been using a combination of Orajel (or Anbesol) and gripe water. We also had heard about how amber bracelets help with teething and so I went out and bought one. The amber in the bracelet (supposedly) helps with pain relief and calms the baby. While he has improved since we bought it, it's hard to say if it was the bracelet itself or just his tooth  making an arrival that has calmed him. Regardless, we have not removed it!

The only bad thing about Krew's tooth arriving is that it came alone. Meaning that the other one will soon be turning him into a crank again.

Friday, August 12, 2011

19 weeks

Or rather, 2 days shy of 19 weeks.

Unfortunately, no pictures this post, but I figure that if I always wait until I have pictures then that means that I have to take the pictures, then upload them...and then you get a post 1 month later!

Krew had his 4 month shots this past Monday on the 8th, and it was kind of funny. Well, not the crying that came out of him receiving the shots, but rather the stink eye he gave the nurse. Seriously. He had the pouty lip going on and he was watching her with this pissed off expression that was pointed directly at her. Sometimes I'm really surprised by the sheer amount of expressions he can produce. And then I'm glad that they aren't aimed at me.

The after effects of Krew's shots sucked. The next day he was warm to the touch, and it definitely didn't help that our summer decided to return, so his room (and the house) was warm. On top of that, he's definitely teething, so it was pretty much the best day ever. His next set of shots will be in the beginning of October, and it will only be a single shot, so that shouldn't be too bad.

I loooove having Krew measured though. I'm always amazed by how much he's grown in such a short period of time! So, here are his measurements:

Weight = 17 lbs 2.5 oz (2 mos = 12 lbs 10 oz; birth = 8 lbs 5 oz)
Length = 26.25 inches (2 mos = 22.5 inches; birth = 21 inches)
Head Circumference = 42.5 cm (2 mos = 39.2 cm; birth = 34 cm)

According to the chart, his length is in the 85-95th percentile, his weight is in the 50-85th percentile, his head circumference is in the 50-85th percentile, and his length-to-weight ratio is right at 50%. That means that he's tall (long?) for his age, but otherwise he is average to slightly-bigger-than-average. However, the length-to-weight ratio shows that he is the right size (not over- or underweight). Apparently, "they" are starting to track babies to see if a baby that is "overweight" stays overweight as they grow. Oh, and these measurements aren't corrected for his age; otherwise, I think he'd be in the next size bracket, and he's big enough already. As it is I'm already putting aside onesies that are in the 6 month range because they are too small. If he doesn't stop growing he's going to be in toddler sizes before he starts walking.

So, Krew has been tripping me out lately. Well, mostly today. So, I was talking to him and the great thing about talking to babies is that you don't have to make sense. Or make sentences. I just say hi to him and he thinks I'm the greatest conversationalist ever. And you can tell that he thinks that because he smiles this really wide smile and his face lights up. Either that or he's just humouring me. Anyway, so I was saying hi to him and then I looked away. And heard a sound that was pretty much bang on to what I had just said, intonation included. That was pretty creepy. And then later I was saying "hello-allo-allo-allo-allo" (really fast). Like I said, the conversation doesn't have to actually make sense. And it kind of sounded like he said hello back.

Obviously, he didn't because he's only 4 months old and they don't start "talking" till much later. And those sounds are super easy to mimic, so even if he did mimic me it wasn't like he was consciously saying hi back. Nonetheless, he kind of creeped me the fuck out. It's bad enough that sometimes I hear the tenants talking through the baby monitor at night (not actual words, but the murmur of voices), but now he's making more noises that sound like talking? Babies are creepy.

Other than that? I just discovered today that he likes sparkly jewelry and that he likes to watch So You Think You Can Dance Canada. Which would sound impressive until you remembered who his mom was. Seriously though, I would be talking to him and he would be making eye contact and smiling...until he got distracted by my necklace. And just to prove it, I moved it back and forth and he tracked it with his eyes. And with SYTYCDC he was lying on the floor playing on his mat, but once the show started he wiggled himself around and arched his head back so he could watch. Until the commercials came on. He also loves Glee! I was driving back from the in-laws' place on the weekend with Kevin, my teenage niece, and Krew when my niece mentioned she had a Glee song stuck in her head. Krew was being fussy, so I figured I'd play the music and it would distract him, so I did. And he stopped fussing immediately. And didn't fuss for the rest of the way back (we were probably 45 mins out of town still). My niece said that he was smiling the entire time, and that just proved my theory that Krew DID like the Glee music when I was pregnant!

Anyway, this is a really long post, especially when you consider the fact that I haven't even included any pictures. Oh well, next time!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

17.5 weeks

I'm a horrible blogger!

Krew is now 4 calendar months (but 17.5 weeks). Yeah, the discrepancy between a calendar month and a lunar month is super annoying.

I took Krew in to the clinic for his 4ish month checkup. As of last Wednesday (July 27) he weighed 16 pounds 2 oz (birth weight 8 lbs 5 oz) and was 25 inches long (birth length 21 inches). So that means that he has nearly doubled his birth weight and that he has grown 4 inches in 4 months! He is still wearing a size 6 month sleeper, but some of the smaller ones are nearly too small for his big feet and long torso.

The physiotherapist (Jaclyn) has been super awesome with him. She has been showing me neck stretches and exercises to help him strengthen his left neck muscle. And best of it, it has been working! He now moves his head to the left side more easily and he also sits more centered instead of to the right. We still need to work on keeping his left ear away from his left shoulder, as well as helping him roll to his left side. Since working with Jaclyn, Krew has stopped rolling over, but considering the fact that he was only rolling over because he was so lopsided during tummy time this is a good thing. He kicks with his legs more often and he nearly "swims" on his tummy. That boy wants to motor!

So, remember the cute cooing noises Krew would make (posted on my last entry)? Well, he still makes a version of that noise. Except now the noise is much higher pitched and resembles that of a shriek:

He's a pretty funny kid too, and I think he knows it. He recognizes words like "bottle" and "bath" and maybe even "walk" and gets super excited. He starts kicking his legs and his eyes open really wide.

I think he might be teething. His fist chewing and drooling would indicate a yes, but looking in his mouth I don't see inflamed gums. In the below picture he actually looks like he has teeth visible through his gums though, so maybe? (Click picture below to enlarge.)

Mmm. Fist.
He loves the feel of a fleece blanket, so he always pulls it up to (and sometimes over) his face when he is in his crib, car seat, or chair. Mix the soggy fist with a fleece blanket and he always has lint between his fingers and clutched in his little hands. He also loves to chew/suck on his bibs, but I think sometimes the bib just happened to be between his fist and his mouth at the time.

He's just a happy kid, just look at this face!

He's also super strong. When he is lying down I grab his fists and he will stiffen his shoulders and neck so he can be pulled into the sitting position. Unfortunately, we used to play a game with him where he would push back with his feet and he would fall back onto a pillow, so now he keeps doing that and won't stay sitting upright, lol. He also likes to sit in a sprawl, just like most males, and prefers to be reclining versus sitting upright. Jaclyn lent us a Bumbo chair to help him improve his sitting and keeping his body in midline, but he just sits back (instead of forward) and leans to one side.

His sleeping habits are both better and worse than they were. When he goes to sleep in the evening (usually between 7:30 and 9) he is out for the night. But! There are times now where I have to get up in the middle of the night because he is crying for his soother. And by crying, I mean shrieking. So, getting up for the soother is easier than getting up to feed him, but it still isn't sleeping all the way through the night. He still wakes up at either 4:30 or 5:30 a.m. for feeding, but he will go back to sleep again after, so that's good. There are times when he seems to sleep all day and other times when he just will not sleep at all. We use a music and motion soother (below) that plays music, both with or without lights and motion to help put him to sleep. If that doesn't work, we use a mobile. For some reason the mobile will calm him down better, but maybe that's because we don't use it all the time?
Best investment ever.

Krew is still easygoing, he still goes with the flow, but he does seem to be getting a little leery of new faces. He warms up to the new person fairly quickly, but will still look for me or Kevin to make sure we're around. He smiles easily and has a laugh that sounds more like a wheeze, but it's hilarious. Unfortunately I can't seem to make him laugh when I have my camera out!

Oh, I also gave him a hair cut a couple days ago.
Loooong hair.

Side view.


Much shorter now!

Monday, June 27, 2011

12 weeks

I really need to update more often. >_<

We have booked an appointment for Krew to see a physiotherapist, so hopefully we'll get that flat head dilemma figured out.

Krew has started talking up a storm! Well..."talking." He coos like pigeon and reminds me of the bird from Labyrinth:
Here's the video (sorry, it's a minute long):

And because I'm the best mom ever, here's a video of Krew crying (because it's super pitiful and slightly hilarious. Oh, and he was just complaining, he wasn't devasted about anything). Just look at that pout in between cries:

Krew can now roll over too! Technically he has been able to roll over for a while now, but only once, then he would be done for the day. Today, however, I set him up for tummy time and he rolled over three times in a row!!!  So I had to capture it on video. And this is the video of the 3rd time:

For the most part, Krew is still a good sleeper. If he has a chill day he sleeps until 6:30 a.m. However, if he had an exciting day he wakes up at 4:30 a.m. If he has 2 exciting days in a row, he wakes up at 3 a.m. Like last night. I thought I had him all sorted out in terms of naps, but apparently I don't since he isn't just conking off like he used to. Gah!

He slept like a champ all of last week and so I was convinced he had a growth spurt. Now that he seems to have outgrown nearly all of his 3 month sleepers, I think I was right. Also, I just put him in a 3-6 month old onesie, and I don't think it fits him quite as loosely as it did before. He's getting so big!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

8 weeks

Krew's Measurements:
Head circumference: 41 cm (at birth, 34 cm)
Length: 59 cm (at birth, 53 cm)
Weight: 11 lbs 14 oz (at 4 weeks, 9 lbs 12 oz; at birth, 8 lbs 5 oz)

As you can see, he's been growing. A LOT. His eyes most definitely track moving objects now, though sometimes it seems laggy, and his most favourite object to stare at (besides me) are bright lights, either natural or artificial.

Krew dropped the midnight feeding a couple weeks ago and just recently dropped the 3 a.m. feeding as well. So this means that he lets me sleep until 4:30 or 5 a.m.! It's amazing how wide awake I feel when I go in to feed him. He also will sleep again after that feeding and wake up again around 7:30, but then wants to be up at that point. I hope this amazing change stays. It really messes with my system to wake up between 2 and 4 a.m. and then I just end up super cranky.

Krew also rolled over for the first/only time last week! I'm pretty sure it was accidental, but he did it in the little office cradle we have. Unfortunately, we both missed it, but Kevin did catch the movement out of the corner of his eye. The video below shows him attempting it (immediately after rolling over) but then he started to get frustrated.

In this next video you can see him smiling, as well as see how he focuses when he hears music.

The other day he was being super fussy, which was incredibly stressful for both me and him. He wouldn't eat more than an ounce at a time and then would screech horribly when I would try to feed him more. He finally settled down in the late afternoon and I was then able to feed him a full bottle. Just yesterday I noticed he did it again, but with a specific bottle. I poured his milk into a different bottle (one that I knew he liked) and he finished it. That means his issues were with his bottle and not him. While I'm happy that it's an issue that is fixable, I feel like a jerk for not catching on earlier since the bottle that Krew had finished was a different style from the ones he wouldn't drink out of.

When I was in the doctor's office, I asked her about my legs since they are still incredibly swollen, but also had developed rash-like markings near my ankles. She said they were broken blood vessels and that a woman's body is supposed to go back to normal after having a baby, not develop issues like swollen feet/ankles/legs. She said that I have good circulation in my feet, but I'm going to be getting some blood work done to rule out potential issues, with my thyroid for example. In the mean time I've (finally!) picked up some compression socks that should help keep the discomfort of the swelling to a minimum.

Good times.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

7 weeks

Krew is growing so fast! At his 4 week appointment, he weighed in at 9 lbs 12 oz (up from his 8 lbs 5 oz birth weight). He has maxed out the length of his 3 month old sleepers and the shoulders have started to pull when he straightens his legs out. To give you an idea of how long he is, when he's standing up straight I can't put him against my chest or he'll bump the underside of my chin. His feet are the same size as the feet in the sleepers too. There is still some room in the tummy area, but I imagine that'll follow soon now that he has a double chin!

He is definitely smiling now and he also has a grin that lights up his face. He has learned to scrunch his eyes when he grins too and he always greets me with that particular grin in the mornings when I feed him. He has found his voice too (and not just to demand service). He sqwawks when he wants us to talk to him, and it is more of an "ah" noise that, because it rises in inflection at the end, sounds like he's asking a question.

 He has started grasping voluntarily now (and not just when you put your finger in his hand), but I keep forgetting to tie back my hair. Luckily he hasn't started pulling yet. He hasn't quite figured out that his hands are attached to his arms so he gets angry when his own arm shoves his soother/bottle out of his mouth. He also has sharp baby nails that Kevin has dubbed "kitten claws." My description is a little more accurate: vampire claws. Those things hurt and Krew currently has a few scratches on his face from them.

He isn't a fan of tummy time and I can't really blame him since I think he's doing it the hard way. When he's on his belly he leans to one side so the opposite leg is lifted. If he didn't lean he would have the balance from both legs and both arms.

He definitely likes music. Whether it's the lame ABC sounds coming from his lounge rocker or actual songs, he stops to listen (at least briefly). He's started to actually focus on objects, instead of just staring off in the distance. He's a total moth too, lol. He loves to stare at light and will actually turn his head to follow it. So maybe he's more of a sunflower.

Speaking of his's totally flatter on his right side behind his ear. It's his favourite side to sleep on and he's gotten used to it so now we have to train him to use both sides equally or he'll have an awkward shaped head when he's older. When he's in his lounge chair we place a folded receiving blanket behind his right shoulder to prevent him from sleeping on his right side. So far it seems to work, but when he's upset it just makes him even angrier.

Which brings me to his personality. Krew can be very mercurial when it comes to his emotions. Like I mentioned earlier, he gets upset easily, but he can calm down quite fast if you fix the problem sooner rather than later. The longer he's upset, the harder it is to calm him down, it's as simple as that. He also doesn't like to nap in a separate room, so he'll usually fall asleep in his lounge chair. Luckily he's still okay with his crib at night.

Blue Eyes
Fascinated with himself
Krew has beautiful blue eyes; they're dark with a lighter middle. I hope he keeps that shade, especially since they are similar in colour to Kevin's. He does, however, have MY hair colour! And yes, I'm totally smug about it! It's hard to photograph, but his hair is starting to come in blonde. His hair also looks like a dark auburn in darker light, and if you get it under direct sunlight, it looks golden. My hair colour is one of the few things I wanted to pass on, so I really hope he keeps it! (You can sort of see his hair colour in the above picture.)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

3 Weeks

I started writing new posts at least twice, but my motivation quickly fizzled on both, so they've been abandoned. There's really not a lot to say either, but here are my answers for the questions that I've heard from several people.

Yes, he's a good sleeper (for now), and yes, I've been sleeping well (for the most part). "Sleeping well" and "newborn" don't really belong in the same sentence, but Kevin's been a huge help on the weekends, so that's when I'm able to get a few extra hours of sleep. During the week I head back to bed after feeding him; and I keep going back to bed until I'm feeling somewhat rested. At the moment he's going through a growth spurt, so he's eating like mad but waking up every 1.5 to 2 hours to eat. Meaning? I haven't been sleeping as well as I'd like. Luckily it's the long weekend, so Kevin is able to take over for me tomorrow morning so I can score a few more hours.

I've been really fortunate to have the energy to go back to dance so quickly. This past Tuesday I re-joined my jazz class, and I also plan to sign up for hip hop again (same day). That means that I'll be out of the house for around 3 hours, which is great for me (personally/emotionally/socially), but it also means that Kevin and Krew will be able to bond without me there (super important).

I'm learning the difference between when Krew is fussy and when he's hungry; I'm starting to get it right more regularly, but his screeching usually lets me know when I've got it wrong.

He's starting to smile. I know that at this point it's more gas-related than anything else, but I'll take what I can get.

His eyes, at this stage, are most definitely blue. A very deep blue that reminds me of Kevin's eyes. As much as I would have liked (preferred) green, I'm ok with him having his daddy's eyes. His hair, however, is more reminiscent of my colour. It's a very deep brown that has a reddish tinge when seen in direct sunlight; in fact, if I could have ever dyed my hair red, that's the shade I would have chosen.

Personality-wise at this point, he's pretty chill. He only gets fussy if he wants to eat or be changed. He likes to be held at night and will have a fit if he's put down before he's ready. He doesn't demand to be held into the wee hours of the morning, so I don't mind this is nightly ritual. Usually he just gets plunked down onto someone's chest while they're on the computer, so it isn't a hardship to cuddle.

The cats are still wary of him but have started getting closer. Link will howl right along with Krew when Krew is displeased (so. much. fun. /eyeroll) and Isis has started nudging Krew's hand while I'm feeding him. Both Isis and Link have been caught sleeping in Krew's office cradle, although neither will go into his crib or his living room cradle (this one moves though, so that might be why).

My due date is tomorrow. I'm so glad that I've had this time with my boy and didn't have to go all the way to Easter in order to meet him. Not to mention how freakin' huge I would've been if I had gone to term.

3 weeks down. So far, so good.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Some Pictures

These pictures were taken at the hospital, and Kevin has more recent ones on his phone, so I'll have to snag them some time. My camera has a tendency to destroy USB ports when it's uploading pictures (don't ask me why) so hopefully I can figure it out so I can upload more in the future.

I never did master the swaddle.

Kevin showing me how it's done (...and Krew totally looks like an alien...).

A little one-on-one with daddy.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Love at First Sight?

I did not fall instantly in love with my son the second I set eyes on him.

Krew was, for all intents and purposes, a stranger to me, and I was uncomfortable handling him despite having carried him for his whole life. The night he was born I was shaky from labour and could not hold him for more than a few minutes. Kevin, however, demonstrated his paternal nature from the start: He learned how to diaper, feed, and handle Krew while I was being sewn up. He also stepped up that first night by getting up to feed Krew at a time when I felt incapable of even picking him up without help.

Watching Kevin with our son made my heart ache; especially considering how ambivalent I was feeling at the time. When the next feeding rolled around, I gave it a try. The sleep had restored some of my energy, and my IV was disconnected so I didn't have to worry about tangled tubes. Picking him up for the first time scared me. He was trusting me to care for him and take care of his needs, regardless of whether or not I was physically or emotionally able. His vulnerability and faith terrified me, but it was also encouraging.

He taught me to love him with each interaction, and he continues to do so still. The way he watches me while I feed him makes me feel like he knows who I am and that it's ok if it took me entirely too long to get his bottle ready. Or that he wanted his diaper changed or that he just wanted to cuddle for a while. I know he recognizes my voice already, and I feel incredibly priviledged to know how to soothe him when he is outraged. He makes me feel like everything is going to be all right when he burrows his head into my neck or falls asleep on my chest.

I did not fall instantly in love with my son the second I set eyes on him, but the love that I feel for him now is more fierce than I had ever expected for only having known him for a few days. I guess I just had to get to know him first.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Krew Thomas Anthony Broderick

WARNING: This is going to be a long post, and maybe a little TMI.

The Build-Up:
I had it all planned out: The perfect April Fools Day prank. I was going to post a picture of myself in the hospital (from when Kevin injured his ankle and we spent hours in the hospital waiting for an x-ray) and update my Facebook status to "Cristina is hanging out in the hospital." Instead, I was on the receiving end of that joke.

Around midnight on March 31st (the beginning of that day, not the end), I noticed some sort of fluid on my underwear. Having had my membranes swept a couple days earlier, I got a little excited, but decided to just keep an eye on it (and put on a pad, just in case). Around 3 a.m. I got up to go to the bathroom and when I laid back down again, felt a trickle. I mentioned it to Kevin, so we decided that we would go to the maternity ward in the morning. After we got up, we grabbed the bags (which were finally packed), fiddled around with the carseat, and off we went!

By the time we made it to the hospital, I started to have second thoughts about whether or not my water had broken, but decided that it couldn't hurt to get it checked out. While walking to the maternity ward, I felt more water. And more again. By the time we got there, I felt like I was gushing. I was immediately sent to the Assessment Room where I was hooked up to a fetal monitor (which is also used to monitor contractions) and it was noted that my contractions were 5 minutes apart! However, since the contractions were merely uncomfortable, I was sent home and told to come back later that night, or earlier if the contractions strengthened.

I ended up coming back later that evening and I was hooked up to an IV pole with a bag of oxytocin to help induce labour. With my membranes ruptured, there was now a chance of infection so it was necessary to get this show on the road. At 2 a.m. on April 1st, I had maxed out my dosage of oxytocin and it was decided that they would try again in the morning. Around 7 a.m., I was hooked back up again, with the same luck. Out of sympathy, the nurses sent me home for a few hours in the evening of April 1st to hang out before my next round of antibiotics. When I came back, I was reattached to my new best friend and around 7:30 a.m. on April 2nd, I started my third round of oxytocin.

[Side note: After the second dose of oxytocin Dr. Cosio consulted with the OB specialist to determine the next step, and he recommended another try of oxytocin. By this point I was incredibly bored and was convinced that another round was just a waste of everyone's time. Plus I wanted to meet my baby.]

A friend of mine stopped by to say hi while I was wasting time and had suggested (or demanded, really) that we go for a walk around the ward. Kevin had stepped out for a while, but as we were walking we ran into him and stopped to chat. At that point I had felt a hard kick or jolt in my abdomen, but I didn't think anything of it until my contractions started picking up after the second round of walking. We went back to the room and I informed my nurse that I was finally starting to feel something. When it got to the point that I could no longer speak during the contractions, my friend left and the nurse started to get excited.

Labour & Delivery:
Labour was...interesting. I hadn't given it much thought the entire time I was in the hospital because I was convinced that it wasn't going to happen. However, once it started, I just wanted to find a way to deal with the pain. And that way involved doing a plie while standing with my elbows on the bed. I would breathe in and bend my knees, then exhale to a stand. I found the repetition soothing, but it gradually became unbearable and I felt like crying. At which point I remembered the gas!

The gas is awesome, by the way: It makes you feel drunk. Once I started the gas, I immediately felt a little light-headed and needed to lie down in order to not fall over. (I don't remember how far dilated I was when I started the gas, but the entire time I was being induced, I was only ever 2 cms dilated and my cervix had moved posterior.)

The contractions started becoming even more unbearable, and my body would lean to the right (on to my side) during the worst part. The nurse told me that if I felt like pushing, to just blow out so it would vibrate my lips; I told the nurse that I thought that they just got a kick out of watching the women doing it. I tried really hard not to push, and told my body to "stop pushing" whenever I started (the nurse who happened to have her hand on my stomach at the time apologized, so I had to let her know I was talking to myself). By this point I asked the nurse what the next step of pain relief was and how I could get it. She told me it was morphine, but that I was too late by that point.

Pushing hurt, but not pushing was even worse. Apparently I was pushing for 2 hours, but it doesn't seem like it took that long (my arms disagree). I found that when it came to pushing, my body completely took over. The doctor wanted 3 long consecutive pushes but I found that I had to give 3 long ones and 1 or 2 short ones in order to stop pushing. If I didn't max it out, my body would start shaking and I couldn't relax between contractions.

I tried various pushing positions, but I honestly think the most effective one was sitting on the toilet. I never thought I would have ended up straddling that thing while in labour, but there I was. And the cool pipes felt amazing on my forehead. Once the "ring of fire" (crowning?) stage was hit, I was back on the bed where I got to hear things like, "I can see the head," "look at all that hair," and "his hand is by his neck." I guess he got impatient too and decided to claw his own way out. Unfortunately, because his arm had crossed in front of his chest, it caused his shoulders to come out at the same time (instead of one at a time) and I tore. Twice. I didn't feel it though, which is nice.

Birth & Clean-Up:
He was born at 7:20 p.m. on April 2, 2011.

The first thing I asked when he came out was "Is he still a boy?" I think they laughed at me. Actually, I think they laughed at me the entire time since my coping technique was to crack jokes instead of cry or scream. When they held my little boy up for me to see, the only thing I could think of was, "So that's what you look like." They cleaned him up and rested him on my chest for a moment so I could see him. He was fussing, so Kevin started talking to him, and he immediately stopped crying. They took him, and Kevin, to the scale so they could weigh and measure him. He weighed 8 lbs 5 oz and was 21 inches long.

I was exhausted and needed stitches. The thought of having another needle nearly drove me to tears, but luckily I couldn't feel it. The pressure from being sutured hurt and I felt shaky. After I was put back together, Kevin and I were able to enjoy our little boy for the first time as a family. I did hold him, though my arms were so tired that I couldn't hold him for long. We called our parents to inform them of our son's arrival. I took a long, hot, and much needed shower and we were moved to the postpartum rooms.

We named our son Krew Thomas Anthony Broderick.

Krew is entirely made up though totally ripped from the band Motley Crue. We were originally going to spell it Krue or Kru, but I decided that people unfamiliar with the name would have difficulty pronouncing it or they may make quick judgments based on his name alone, so we changed it to Krew. Oh, and we spelled it with a "K" because Kevin wanted a name that started with a K.

Thomas is my dad's name, while Anthony is Kevin's dad.

Life as a Family:
Life in the hospital was pretty easy, though entirely boring. All we had to do was hang out with the baby and relax. We didn't have to cook, clean, or do anything except entertain visitors and keep ourselves occupied. I was discharged on Monday morning and was incredibly happy to go home.

Life at home is a lot harder than life in the hospital. First of all, our home wasn't quite ready for the baby yet and the nursery was a mess. And second of all, I didn't expect to be so hyperaware of the baby. At the hospital he was either more settled at night or the room was so big that it dampened his noises. Sleeping in the same room as him is exhausting. He slept in his crib that night and I was standing by it more often than not. We have since moved one of our cradles to the side of my bed so I can soothe him without needing to leave my bed.

Am I sleep deprived? Oh yeah. However, I also have way more energy when I am able to get a couple hours of sleep in a row. I am learning that his noises aren't always a cry of pain/hunger/need, but are sometimes just a cry in the night. I am learning to be a faster diaper changer or else I have to feel the full wrath of Krew. I've also learned that if I cover his torso then I can get away with taking longer.

My Blog Future:
So, right now I have the best of intentions to keep this blog going. I want to use it as a place to log Krew's milestones and gush about his first smile. I want to update it with pictures. From the beginning I've used this blog as a diary of sorts, a place where I can look back and remember my experiences, good or bad. I also know that I'm going to be extremely busy in the future (and have been the past couple days) so that it may be erratic or die off completely.

I would still like to update once a week, but it may be more. Or less. I invite you to remind me to update, since there are times when I decide that too much time has gone by to update everything and give up. This blog post should have been broken into 3 posts, to be honest.

I should also shut up now because this post has gone on long enough and I haven't added pictures yet.
Krew just after he was born

Blogger is being an asshole and won't let me upload any more pictures. So, I'll just upload some in a new post in the future. :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week #37 & Doctor Appointment #13

Doctor Appointment:
I ended up seeing Dr. Fredeen today, instead of Dr. Cosio as I had originally assumed. I found out that the kid's back was on my left side, while his little feet were on my right; although, I did already know that. My uterus is still around the same size, so it's hard to say whether or not the baby has dropped just from that. The kid's heartrate is the same as last week as well: 150 bpm.

When asked if I had been informed about doing a membrane sweep, I said yes - and that I would like it done. So, the first one was done on Tuesday! The doctor was fairly surprised to discover that I was already 50% effaced (meaning my cervix had thinned out 50%) and that I was already slightly dilated. I don't know how much, though. I should have asked for a number. He also said that my uterus was as anterior as it was going to be. In his opinion, he doubts that I'll go past my due date. While babies are notorious for picking and choosing their own delivery dates, he was leaning more towards on time, which is what I had been thinking too. Needless to say, I was ecstatic after hearing that bit of news. :)

My Opinion:
I still need to:
  1. Wash K's stuff.
  2. Wash bedding for spare bed in nursery. 
  3. Pack a bag for K, myself, and Kevin.
  4. Make sure the car seat fits.
  5. Pre-register at hospital.
  6. Finish the nursery: put up blinds, curtains, and storage hangers.
  7. Organize K's drawers and closet.
  8. Other stuff that I haven't thought of yet.
I put my nesting to good use over this past weekend and did some serious damage to my coursework - I even managed to write my midterm, so now I only have half of my program left. The midterm showed me that while my notes are good, they aren't as organized as I would like them to be, so I may have to do some rearranging.

I finally made it to Walmart to search for some compression socks; however, I didn't find them. Instead, I found some knee-high tights that are supposed to do the same thing. They're ok, but I still have to wear shoes. With laced-up laces to prevent the fluids from pooling in my feet. Lame.
I find that I've been waking 2-3 times during the night to go to the bathroom, which sucks, but I know that it isn't as often as some women (haha). I also find that everytime the kid kicks or moves especially hard that I'm wondering if it was a contraction. I've read/heard that I'll "know" that it's a contraction when I feel one; however, until that time comes, I'm going to be curious.

It's really odd to think of my due date in terms of being in X number of days or weeks now, instead of months. And even odder to add, "but it may be sooner."

I'm fairly certain that I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions off and on since Monday. What do they feel like? Well, you know how your stomach muscles feel after doing situps or sucking in your stomach or throwing up? Sort of fatigued, but you don't notice it until later that night? That's how they feel. I don't feel the actual contraction itself, but I feel the aftereffects - the muscles that are tired from working. I feel like the kid has been super active lately too, which is weird since I thought they were supposed to slow down more once I got this far, but I guess he's the exception.

This week the kid should weigh around 2.859 kg (6.3 lbs) and be about 48.6 cm (19.13 inches) long. My uterus should now be about 16-17 cm above my belly button and 37 cm above my pubic bone. And my weight gain should be about 25-35 lbs (yeah, right).

This week he's building up his strength and should even turn turn towards the light when he's exposed to one. His bones aren't completely ossified yet, which is good for flexibility during labour, and his growth should actually start to slow down now.

I can't wait for this to be over.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Week #36 (9 months) and Doctor Appointment #12

Doctor Appointment:
I had another doctor's appointment this week, and will continue to have one every week now until I deliver. I saw Dr. Cosio again and we discussed my swollen feet. She stressed that the only time they really worry about swollen feet are when it is accompanied by swollen hands/face and protein in the urine sample; however, I didn't have those problems, so they are just inconvenient. She did mention that there are special compression socks at Walmart that can help alleviate the swelling, and to also put my feet up more often. The socks act like a sort of tensor bandage: the constant pressure on my feet/legs help prevent the fluids from pooling in my feet. Since I get extremely uncomfortable with my feet up, I may have to just go with the socks.

A swab was done to check for Group B strep - I'll know later whether I have it. When checking baby's stats, I'm still the right size, and his heart rate was 150 bpm.

Doctor Cosio also mentioned that I have the option to have a membrane sweep done weekly starting at Week 38. A membrane sweep is a literal sweep of the cervix with the physician's finger to separate the uterus from the cervix. Research indicates that having a membrane sweep done will help the body produce prostaglandins, a hormone that will help induce labour, and this method is far easier on the body than having the hormones injected into the body 10 days post-due date. I'm definitely going to go for it. Possible complications could include rupturing the membranes, but so far the doctor is on a winning streak.

My Opinion:
I still need to:
  1. Wash K's stuff.
  2. Clean/organize his room (even more so).
  3. Pack a bag for K, myself, and Kevin.
  4. Make sure the car seat fits.
  5. Pre-register at hospital.
  6. Finish the nursery: put up blinds, curtains, and storage hangers.
  7. Other stuff that I haven't thought of yet.
Kevin is now under house arrest: He has been told that he must have his cell phone on at all times and that he is not to leave town.

I've been feeling restless lately, but it usually occurs late at night rather than the middle of the day. I have a difficult time sitting still, even at the computer. I feel like I need to be doing something that involves my hands, and I don't even have the patience for reading (which is tragic). I'm trying to squeeze in last-minute plans with friends before the baby arrives, but even those plans are starting to make me feel panicky, since the end is within sight. The baby still hasn't dropped, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he won't shift into position overnight. Having the bags nearly packed has helped to alleviate some stress, but at the same time, not really. I'm excited and freaked out at the same time, but that probably has more to do with not knowing the EXACT moment of his birth ahead of time than anything else. I don't like surprises when it comes to important events in my life, and this one is a biggie.

I've been sick with a cold this past week (blah), but nothing serious more serious than a slight cough and congestion. I woke up one morning with a sore throat, but I almost think I just fell asleep with my mouth open and it dried out. I've been really tired this past week too, which I know is a symptom of the flu, but a lack of headaches and fever have made me decide it's just pregnancy fatigue.

My ribs on the left side have been crazy sore lately, and both of my hips have been causing me grief. It is incredibly uncomfortable for me to lie in bed, and it doesn't matter whether I'm on my side or back. And when it comes to rolling over to get out of bed (or into a more comfortable position) it hurts so much that I want to cry sometimes. Ok, the round ligament pain combined with the shooting pain of baby on my bladder makes me want to cry. (Whine, whine, whine.)

Oh! If you're interested, check out the new tab I added: "Maternity Photos"! I selected a few of my favourites from the ones that Kathryn took, so I hope you enjoy them!

The kid should now be around 2.622 kg (or 5.78 lbs) as well as be around 47.4 cm (or 18.66 inches). He must be getting crowded by now, especially considering the way he squirms (which is all the time - unless I have company).

So, I just googled what it feels like when the baby drops, and I almost think he has. My belly doesn't look any different and I don't walk like I have a watermelon between my legs (I think), but the shooting pains could be indicative of him dropping. My heartburn has all but disappeared and I can breathe again at night, so all of the discomfort is now in my lower back and hips. Hm. If he hasn't dropped, my uterus should be around 14 cm above my belly button, and 36 cm above my pubic symphysis (if he has dropped, it happened after my doctor's appointment since she didn't say anything after measuring).

Apparently my weight gain is supposed to be between 25-30 lbs, but I've totally blown that and it is pissing me off. I have gained nearly 40 lbs and though I've been told by so many people that I look really good for having gained that much (hell, I think I look good too), I'm worried about trying to lose the weight post-pregnancy. Even if 20 lbs were lost automatically after delivering, I still have another 20 to lose! Plus, I still have another month to go, so I'm worried that I'm going to top out at 50-60 lbs by the time the baby is born.

Good news! Apparently my body will become a super energy converter and I may actually lose some weight in the process! I know it won't be that much, but if I stop gaining, I'll be happy. So, what is my boy doing with all my energy? He's gaining weight and may even develop dimples on his elbows and knees.

Apparently swelling and fluid retention are supposed to increase at this point. Geez. I put a bucket under my desk so then I can prop up my feet while I'm doing my coursework, but I just did that yesterday, so don't know yet whether or not it'll be effective.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Week #35

My Opinion:
I still need to:
  1. Wash K's stuff.
  2. Clean/organize his room (even more so).
  3. Pack a bag for K, myself, and Kevin.
  4. Make sure the car seat fits.
  5. Pre-register at hospital.
  6. Other stuff that I haven't thought of yet.
Next week I hit Week #36 - also known as Month #9 - and I imagine that's when the real waiting game begins.

I'm still working on my coursework. Although I've fallen a little behind on my personal timeline, I'm still a couple months ahead of the scheduled timeline, so I'm ok. I also just found out that I am (for sure) getting maternity leave, so now I can take it easy if I have/need to.

I think the nesting part finally kicked in. Or at least the part where I feel like I have to keep busy (like laundry at 8 pm on a Sunday night) and rearrange everything (the cupboard under my kitchen sink). Speaking of reorganization, my sister-in-law was lovely enough to give me a bunch of baby clothes, and, as a result, I realized that I needed more space. So, to compensate for all of the extra items, Kevin and I picked up 2 more fabric drawers for the 9 cubicle storage unit, and a 6 shelf garment organizer for the closet. We also picked up a pop-up hamper for dirty laundry, and I imagine that it is going to be used a great many times.
Eco-Friendly Garment Organizer, 6 Shelves Pop-up Hamper
Garment organizer (left), Hamper (right)

My sleep patterns have been erratic lately: Tuesday and Wednesday nights involved me waking every 2 hours (on the dot), which left me extremely tired but unable to nap later in the day. Thursday night, however, I changed my sleeping position after waking once or twice, and then I slept solid for the rest of the night. Sleeping on my side would cause me to wake regularly, whereas sleeping on my back allowed me to sleep soundly.

Speaking of sleeping on my side: I was lying in bed last night and the kid totally stretched and I ended up with an elbow on my down-facing side and a foot on my up-facing side. He moved before Kevin could feel it, but it was like I had a pyramid-shaped implant sticking out my side! Actually, if you feel the tip of your elbow (with your arm bent), that's about the right size, and that's how hard it was too! The side that I was lying on just made it feel like I was laying on something hard, like a golf ball.

My feet aren't as swollen, again, but I think now it is actually exercise related. If I sit all the time, my feet swell. But, if I get out at least a little bit to do something that involves more than just walking from my computer room to kitchen then the swelling isn't as bad. My feet still are a little swollen, but not as badly (or as comically).

By now the baby should weigh around 2.383 kg (5.25 lbs) and be around 46.2 cm (or 18.19 inches) long. For those of you following along closely, it seems like the baby's length jumped a LOT (like 5 inches) this past week. The truth is that I didn't double-check the cm to inch conversions on the website and it turns out that they were wrong. So, the inches this week is correct and he really is that long. And I don't feel like going back and finding where the numbers went wrong, so I'll just leave it as is, lol.

Since the baby hasn't dropped yet, my uterus should sit about 15 cm above my belly button and about 35 cm above my pubic symphysis. My weight gain at this point should be around 23.8-28.6 lbs, but I definitely blew that and weigh in around 33 lbs.

This week his fatty deposits continue to develop and his arms and legs will start getting chubbier. If he were born this week, he would lose weight faster than a full term baby since his digestive tract wouldn't be fully developed enough to be self-sufficient.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Week #34, Maternity Photo Shoot & Doctor Appointment #11

Maternity Shoot:
My good friend Kathryn came over Sunday afternoon to take some pictures of my belly and me, since I'm sort of attached. We were also lucky enough to bribe talk Kevin into getting his picture taken as well. I'm really not much of a camera person, and despite having googled maternity photos, I had no idea what to do or how to position myself, especially considering how many maternity pictures lean towards the sensuality and intimacy of pregnancy (and that just isn't me).

Luckily, Kathryn came to my house with no preset notions, just vague ideas. So what did we do? Kevin and I did a few of the couple poses, both sitting and standing, and we incorporated a couple of props into the picture: a red heart-shaped pillow as well as foam blocks. We used the blocks to spell out "boy," "baby K," and his name. [As an aside, I don't know why I'm so reluctant to post his name on here; several of my friends and family members know his intended name, so it isn't like it is a huge secret, but I find it difficult to reveal it. Superstition, maybe? Or worry that someone will use it first?]

After Kevin left, I changed and the poses became dance oriented; more specifically, ballet. There was some jazz thrown in there, but ballet is a lot easier for me at this point, lol. We tried some different poses with props stolen from the kid's room: a toque ("Dude"), a bib ("I'm the Captain!"), and a onesie. We also did way more playing around with the blocks, spelling out everything from "boy" to his due date to his first and last names! It was so much fun! Even my cats swarmed me at one point while I was lying down!

I think having a trusted friend behind the camera allowed me to relax and laugh, so I think that when I finally see the pictures I'll have the results I want, not just some awkward poses and forced smiles.

Doctor Appointment:
On Wednesday I had my doctor's appointment with Dr. Cosio (who is amazing, btw). Do you ever remember someone as looking completely opposite of what they actually do? I had envisioned Dr. Cosio as an older woman who was graying or who had started dyeing her hair blonde (to cover the gray). Instead, she was probably in her 30s with brown hair and very slight blonde streaks. I hadn't seen Dr. Cosio for several months (not since my 9th week, to be exact) so it's an understandable mistake, but I used to have an amazing memory of what people look like. I guess that's gone now too, lol.

It was a standard checkup, and I learned that my belly size is bang-on for how far along I am! This is fantastic since I've always been curious about how big my belly is. The kid's heartrate was 145 bpm, which is about what it was last week, and he's still head down. My blood pressure is good, which means my insanely high heart rate (still 95!) is normal. The doctor did suggest that I watch my blood sugar intake for the last while of my pregnancy, since I was borderline for gestational diabetes. I do honestly want to follow her advice, but I have horrible eating habits, meaning my good intentions will fly out the window at my next meal. I also don't want to have a monstrous baby, so really that should be my motivation for cutting down the sugar.

My next appointment (March 22nd - one month from my due date!) will include a cervical swab checking for Group B streptococcus. This is quite a common infection and usually doesn't affect the mother; however, during the birthing process it is possible for this bacteria to pass onto the baby, which has the potential to cause neurological damage due to the baby's lowered immune system. If I do have this bacteria, I will be given IV antibiotics every 4 hours during labour that will cross the placenta to boost baby's immune system.

After my next appointment I will be seeing the doctor every week until the kid arrives. So close now!

My Opinion:
My feet are swollen again. I'm now convinced that it's weather-related, and that my feet act like a barometer of sorts. Unfortunately I haven't figured out what causes them to swell since it just sort of randomly happens. Maybe spending too much time on my feet over a couple days causes them to balloon? And, oddly enough, it's my left foot that is the most swollen. I guess I'm lucky that it isn't both. I almost think I have stretch marks on the bottom of my feet too - plus on my navel between the holes where my piercing sat for 10 years.

Sleep has been...weird. There have been a few days where I sleep but don't feel rested, and other days where staying in bed helps me feel more awake the next day, but it takes me a while to fall asleep that night. And then there was Tuesday night, where I barely slept but woke up feeling fine. I still sleep mainly on my back, but I have been able to sleep for an hour or two on my side later in the night.

Also, I've been cleaning in my dreams. Is this some sort of subconscious nesting that has finally taken root? I've been baking like crazy (compared to before - so maybe once or twice a week) and figured that was my form of nesting, but I guess cleaning isn't far behind, lol.

He's getting big! The kid should weigh in around 2.146 kg (or 4.73 lbs) and should be around 45 cm (or 13.38 inches) long by now. My uterus should be about 14 cm above my belly button and 34 cm above my pubic symphysis (and I'm assuming it is).

He's now developing his own immune system to help him out once he's born, and his little fingernails are now reaching the ends of his fingers. They may even need to be trimmed a few days after birth. When he's born his eyes will appear blue, but they should (I'm hoping!) darken after he's a couple weeks old.

Oh, wtf? Apparently my amniotic fluid level has peaked, so from now on the baby will be taking over and I "will really start to feel every movement that [my] baby may make." I'm so screwed since it already feels like I feel every movement. As a result my skin will be stretched to the maximum, and this stretching will also cause my skin to feel itchy (yes) so it's best to stay moisturized.

In case you were curious, no, he hasn't dropped yet. I have mixed feelings about when he drops: on one hand I'll get to breathe again, but, on the other hand, the pressure on my bladder will get worse.

Oh, hey! I just added a "Comments" section to my Belly Pics page, so feel free to leave one if you are so inclined.

I'm also going to have to start raiding Kevin's drawers for t-shirts, since mine are no longer long enough. The maternity wear shirts are fine, but just my normal ones? Nope. This kind of sucks since I don't want to go out and buy new clothes to only wear them for the next month or two - good thing Kevin is so much bigger than me.

Also, Kevin and I bought a 5 pack of onesies (or diaper shirts, if you will) from Costco last night - they are so cute! They have little racecars on them and they vary from solids to stripes (and sometimes the racecars make the stripes). Yeah, I still get giddy seeing baby clothes, lol.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Week #33, Doctor Appointment #10 & Hospital Tour

Hospital Tour:
We (finally) did the hospital tour on Wednesday. I figured that if we put it off much longer that we would run the risk of not knowing where to go when it was time for the baby to be born. There is a virtual tour available for the UHNBC for those curious-minded individuals, and for those interested in checking it out in person, the tour is every first and third Wednesday of the month from 1 pm to 2 pm.

The tour group was small (2 other couples, plus they brought one child each) so we weren't having to peer over shoulders to see what was going on. We weren't able to see any of the Assessment Rooms (they were full!) but we got a quick glimpse into one of the postpartum rooms. Most of the tour was conducted inside the Labour & Delivery Room, which was huge and equipped with extra supplies, labour accessories (exercise ball and labour bar), plus a private ensuite. There was an extra bed, a fetal heart rate monitor, baby bassinet, baby warmer, an IV pole, plus a personal supply of nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Apparently IVs are only necessary when the mother arrives on the dehydrated side, so I'm going to make sure I stay hydrated to avoid one.

It was definitely reassuring to know where to go when I eventually go into labour, and all of the different options available for labouring. Some of the info will be filed away for later use and some discarded entirely, but options are options and it is nice to know I have some.

Doctor Appointment:
I went into my doctor's appointment on Thursday feeling a little anxious. On Wednesday night I noticed that I had been spotting; however, since the baby is super active I wasn't terribly worried. But I did get a little excited thinking that maybe it was my mucus plug; but if that was the case I'd probably have to be a little more careful since that is what keeps bacteria, etc out of the uterus. Turns out I have a bladder infection (which is where the blood came from), so I'm on antibiotics for a week. The upside is that now my bladder won't be sensitive to touch anymore. There really is no downside, actually. A quick dipstick test of my urine sample tested positive for blood and bacteria, and my cervix was swabbed (just in case), so my next doctor's appointment is next week (with Dr. Cosio) to discuss my lab results, as well as do another checkup. My antibiotics are also only for a week, so if needed I could have my prescription refilled at that time. (Amoxicillin 500 mg t.i.d. x7 days - haha!)

Also, the baby's head is down! Or at least it was when the doctor checked him out. His heart rate was about 142 bpm, which is lower than it has been in the past, but the older the baby gets, the slower the heart rate becomes. My heartrate, on the other hand, was at 95. NINETY-FIVE. My normal resting heartrate used to be around 72 bpm and so I'm over 20 bpm higher than I was before I got pregnant. Insane!

My Opinion:
The maternity shots were postponed last weekend due to snow; we hope to do them soon.

There's been a lot of kicking of my right ribs lately and a lot of movement in my lower abdomen. It feels weird - sort of ticklish but like digestion at the same time. I think my belly is getting wider too - before it was sort of egg-shaped (narrow end sticking out) but now it seems to be filling in more. I've been having some trouble walking due to the hip pain, but this probably has a lot to do with the fact that I sit for hours on end working on my program. Although my feet and lower back would ache if I spent more time standing, so I'm really at that stage where I can't win either way.

This week the kid weighs in at 1.918 kg (or 4.23 lbs) and is around 43.7 cm (or 17.20 inches) long - although my kid is probably way taller than that by now, lol. My uterus is now around 13 cm above my belly button and 33 cm above my pubic symphysis, with my weight gain between 22 and 28 lbs (I'm at 30 lbs -- oops!).

He's also going to be putting that thumb to good use as he practices his sucking, and he will continue to put on weight to fill out those fat deposits. Also, his skin should be changing colour now from red to pink as a result of the aforementioned fat deposits.

My mom was in town last week and bought some things for my baby: a crib pad, a crib sheet, a nasal aspirator (never would have thought of that one on my own), and a little outfit.

Kevin and I keep talking about how we need to get that bag packed, but haven't been able to pull it off quite yet. I want to pick up some travel-sized toiletries and then I don't need to worry about forgetting mine at home when the time comes. We also need to pick out a coming home outfit, especially since most of his clothes right now are around the 3 month old range, and maybe some brand new newborn diapers. We have size 1's, but then she showed us the ones in the hospital...and they're way smaller. Maybe just a small pack, just in case he does end up bigger.

I should probably also start washing some of his things, like receiving blankets, so that those are ready to go when he's born too. The other things, like larger clothes, can even wait if I don't get around to them before he's born.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Week #32 - 8 months

My Opinion:
Heh. I had that written down as IMHO (In My Honest Opinion) and then realized it looked like "I'M a HO" so I changed it.

I have solved the swollen feet fiasco! My office desk is situated so that the vent blows hot air onto my feet - which is great when I'm cold; however, with my pulse running at 90 bpm or higher my feet are never truly cold, and this caused them to swell. Like crazy. The past few days I've been working on my course stuff out in the living room and the swelling has disappeared. It's awesome!

My lower back and right hip have been causing me grief and I haven't figured out how to get around that yet. I've even tried sleeping on my side, but only after falling asleep on my back first - otherwise the heartburn kills me. Regardless of which position I fall asleep in, if I wake during the night my back feels stiff and cramped. My hips ache when I use my legs to help me roll over, so I'm assuming it'll either get worse or I'll find a way to make it bearable.

I've been feeling super tired lately, yet when I go to bed I have a difficult time falling asleep. If I find myself wide awake at 5 in the morning, I usually get up to go to the bathroom (might as well) but then when I lie down again, the kid has woken up and goes nuts. I've also been shuttling Kevin to work this week so it could be that my body is just complaining.

This week the kid is 1.702 kg (or 3.75 lbs) and is 42.4 cm (or 16.7 inches) long. My uterus should also be about 12 cm above my belly button and 32 cm above my pubic symphysis. I have currently gained around 26.5 lbs, but I was told (complimented?) earlier this week by Kevin's boss: he told me that I finally looked pregnant. I told him that I figured I'd have to at some point, and this seemed like a good time, lol.

This week my boy will be able to register on all 5 of his senses, he'll open his eyes in bright light and close them in dark (like a budgie!), and his toe nails should now be fully formed.

They go on to talk about how I must have felt Braxton Hicks contractions by now - but other than calling them spasms (or a tightening of the belly) that I may or may not have felt since I was 6 weeks along, I have no idea wtf they're talking about. Maybe if I'd been pregnant or given birth once before I'd know, but this is entirely useless information as far as I'm concerned. I do however notice when he kicks me in the ribs or has hiccups (or are those Braxton Hicks?).

Time to figure out what to pack for the hospital! And what I want to do for a birth plan; thankfully I finally found a useful link for that aspect. Kevin and I (mainly my idea) decided to nix the prenatal classes since all the reviews I've heard have been negative. A couple of people have mentiond that they'd learned one useful thing, but I figure if all you can learn is 1 useful thing out of a 6 week program (slated at 1 hour each), then that's not a good enough reason to go. Especially when that person can just tell me that one useful thing, lol.

I have heard positive things about the delivery staff though, and if (hah!) I'm in pain I doubt I'll remember any of that information anyway, so I might as well be coached through it without hearing about the gory details. I somehow managed to make it all the way through high school without seeing the delivery videos, so I'll skip them now when they're a little more relevant. Besides, the internet contains heaps of information, and I'm a smart kid, so it isn't like I'm going in blind. I'm even debating creating a birth plan since even those carefully laid plans can be easily tossed aside.

Oh! I'm getting my maternity pictures taken tomorrow afternoon! Yay!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Week #31 & Doctor Appointment #9

My Opinion:
I am so ready for this to be over now. I'm uncomfortable more often than not, and I feel like an invalid. While it is nice to have Kevin fetch things for me from the basement or to carry 98% of the groceries in from the car, I do feel a little silly when he asks if I need help getting into and out of the car. Although, to be honest, I will probably need the help soon.

My feet are still incredibly swollen and my back (in between my shoulder blades and a little lower) has started to ache. My ribs have joined in as well, either out of sympathy or group protest. When I walk I sway like I'm in a canoe and when I sit I have to lean to the left since the kid has decided he likes the right side. On a good note, he doesn't kick as much as he used to; however, when he does move it is more painful. Why have I never heard about how it hurts when the baby kicks? For some reason I naively believed that I would be insulated from his movements. Wrong.

I recently added another pillow to my side of the bed (bringing me up to 4) so I can sleep higher at night. I have also discovered that if I stop eating a couple hours before bed then I don't get heartburn as badly. Score! Despite the fact that I've been sleeping well (read: not getting up at night to pee), I've still been tired during the day.

By the way, you must check out this link! It illustrates the internal changes while a woman pregnant, and, if you're curious like me, it shows where her organs go (hint: it's up) while the baby is cohabiting.

Doctor's Appointment:
I went to see Dr. Brenckmann today, and found out that I'm NEGATIVE for gestational diabetes! Woo! My numbers were on the high end of the normal range, but still below the cutoff mark, so I'm good. The kid also decided to cooperate with the doctor and allow her to measure his heart rate, although she isn't sure whether he's head down yet. I have another appointment in 2 which point I'll only have 7 weeks left. Meaning less than 2 months. Eeep!

The kid is now around 1.502 kg (or 3.3 lbs) and is around 41.1 cm (16.2 inches) in length. My uterus is now 11 cm above my belly button and 31 cm above my pubic symphysis with my weight gain between 21 and 27 lbs (I'm at 26 lbs).

If I went into labour today, my baby would be able to breathe (very important), listen, see, remember and learn. His weight gain will slow down this week too, as his little body will start to put more energy into developing his internal organs. Also his skeleton is starting to harden like crazy, so calcium is very important right now (I'm all over that).

As you can see, I've changed the format of my Q&A section. I figured since my mood, cravings, and nursery never really changed that I would stop writing about them, unless something interesting happened. In which case it'll get added somewhere.

I did, however, receive the Nestle baby diaper bag package today! It's a one-shouldered diaper bag that includes the following: change mat, 150 mL Nuk Orthodontic (BPA-free) bottle, 340 g Nestle Good Start Iron-Fortified Formula, Baby's First Formula Feeding Kit (which includes 8x89 mL Nestle Good Start Omega 3 & 6 Ready-to-Feed bottles and bonus nipple), as well as a pamphlet on breastfeeding. It also included a pack of single-serving instant coffee, but I don't drink coffee, so it doesn't count.

PS - Blogger photo uploader is being an ass, so I wasn't able to include a picture of the package or of my sexy feet. Maybe later.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week #30

Hello, week 30. I just realized that I have a maximum of 12 weeks left. 10 till my due date, and an extra 2 in case he refuses to leave, at which point he will be forcefully evicted. I just hope he decides to show up earlier than that so I don't have to have to be induced or have a C-section.

I've been talking with a friend of mine lately about doing some maternity shots, which I am super excited about! We've been chatting about doing some dance poses, and since she took dance with me last year she will be able to make sure that I'm standing properly in the picture, lol.

I have decided that I can't wait till he's born; however, this sentiment comes from the knowledge that his birth will mean that I have my body (read: bladder) all to myself again. And for this, I cannot wait. I haven't been able to sleep on my stomach since probably month 3 or slightly earlier, since the pressure on my uterus was uncomfortable. He's also very fidgety, so if he's born he can flail all he wants and I don't have to know about it! I'll also be able to breathe properly again, which I'm very excited about. And tie my shoes. I've loosely laced my shoes so then I can just slip them on and off, but I hate loose shoes. The heartburn can just go diaf too.

On Thursday I went back to the lab for my confirmation testing of gestational diabetes. This involved having blood drawn (for a control, I assume), drinking another, more potent, sugary drink, waiting an hour before drawing blood, and then waiting another hour before drawing blood again. I hate needles, so this was not a good time for me. Actually, that's not true; I had just decided after the second needle that this wasn't so bad and that I must be getting better. And then needle 3 came along, and it seemed, imo, that the nurse look longer to finish drawing blood for #2, so I suggested a different arm. However, my left arm sucks and there really isn't a vein in the crook of my elbow, so the woman took it from the outside of my crease, towards my elbow. I thought that this was a novel idea and why had no one ever done this before?! And when she drew blood, I understood why: it hurts like hell.

The kid is now around 1.32 kg (or just under 3 lbs) and is around 40 cm (15.71 inches) from crown to heel. Good news: there's only 10 weeks left. Bad news: he, the placenta and my uterus are all going to keep growing until he makes his grand entrance.

By now my little guy should be able to produce his own red blood cells, instead of by tissue groups called "blood islands." His brain is developing convolutions (ridges) which increases the surface area to hold more brain cells. His nerve cell transmission will speed up with the help due to myelin (fatty substance that coats the outside of the nerve cells), and his lanugo will be nearly gone by now. His hair (if any) should be in now, as well as his wee toenails.

How am I feeling? I was feeling incredibly tired at the beginning of the week. I also felt sick. That's passed though, so I'm feeling better and more motivated now.

What am I craving this week? Not too much.

Mood swings? No, not really. I only get those if something happens all the time and it just builds up until melt-down.

Any baby purchases? No.

What about the nursery? Same.

Doctor's appointment next week!