Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ultrasound #2

I'm so pleased to announce that Baby K is male!  This morning I psyched myself up by telling myself I was having a boy so then that way I could get used to the idea.  In my head I was having a girl.  I could put her in dance, put faery decals on the wall and have my little princess.  Until she became a teenager.  I wasn't really looking forward to that part.  However, now that I know that I'm having a boy, I can think of the joys (and challenges) of having a male.  Having grown up with 2 brothers, I think I'll be better equipped to raise a boy than a girl.  I'm assuming I'm having a mini-Kevin and he said that he loved running around a lot as a child, so I guess there's my exercise!  I love the idea of Kevin playing sports with his son and the dad-son bond that they'll develop.  Now I've got 2 main men in my life. :)

During the ultrasound, he was kicking and squirming all over the place, which made me laugh, which made the technician's job more difficult.  She literally had to chase him all over my uterus trying to take pictures!!  He has the perfect baby profile (which I forgot to purchase....smrt), 2 arms, 2 legs and 2 eyes.  His internal organs were pointed out to us as well: his kidneys, bladder, stomach, brain and heart.  His spine and femur were clearly visible, as were the bones in his little hands and feet.  I was so amazed.  His heart rate was measured at 150 bpm, putting that old wives' tale to rest.  Granted, he was moving around so much that I think Kevin is now worried we'll have a hyper baby, lol.  The technician said that all that kicking in utero was good for strengthening muscles so he's definitely healthy! 

Our nursery will still be the same colour that we've picked out (a light bluey-green), but instead of the whimsical theme I had thought of for a girl, we're going to go with an astronomy theme: so stars, planets, etc.  Maybe even a mobile of the same theme.  We have glow-in-the-dark stars, plus 3 reflective mirrors in the shape of stars, so we don't need to start completely from scratch.

PS - I just found the coolest toy online: Twilight Turtle.  It projects constellations on the walls and ceiling!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Week #19

I've been noticing that the baby moves most when I'm just relaxing, whether it's in bed or on the couch.  I was asked the other day in jazz whether or not the baby moves during dance and the answer is no.  Feeling Baby K move is less of a fluttery sensation and more of a full-stomach-gurgle feeling...under my ribs.  One morning I felt an irregular spastic motion in my side and had Kevin feel it - we're not sure whether it was the baby or not, and that, so far, has been the only time we could feel it from the outside.  However, it was nice to share that moment with him. 

Baby K is around 15 cm (~6 inches) and weighs 240 grams (8.5 oz).  The baby will gain weight 15 times from now till birth.  If Baby K is female, she will already be forming egg cells in her ovaries!  Over the next few days, a creamy protective layer of cells made up of dead skin cells, oils and lanugo will form, called vernix caseosa.  This layer will protect the baby's developing glands and sensory cells.  Fat deposits will form around the baby's neck, chest and crotch to act as insulation to keep my baby warm.

Apparently the baby is sleeping as much now as a newborn, which is AWESOME since it seems like the baby is always asleep!  Even a favourite sleeping position (chin tucked in or head back) has been established.  Other new developments are formation of the eyebrows, fine scalp hair and, if Baby K is female, the rest of her uterus will develop.

And on to me!  My uterus will be about a 1/2 inch below my belly button (but seems higher) and my weight gain will be between 8-14 lbs (I'm at 6 lbs since week 12).  However, only 7 oz of this is the baby!  Apparently, most of my weight gain will be over the next 3 months, averaging about 1 lb per week (so 12 lbs over the next 3 months).  They go on to say that some weeks will be a higher weight gain that will even out a lower weight gain - which explains my inconsistent weight gain.  Exercise will have to be a little lighter now, since the baby's demands are putting pressure on my heart, lungs and kidneys.  While feeling dizzy is common (due to hypotension - low blood pressure) it is still important to tell the doctor about it.

How am I feeling?  Sore.  I danced last night, plus shovelled the driveway during the day, then proceeded to lie on my side on a futon that has no give to it.  So, after 2 hours of that, I couldn't walk.  Seriously.  I hobbled with Kevin providing some support (the rest of the support came from walls and door jams).  After moving around a little, I was able to put weight on my right side again without falling over.  My back gets sore easily, but dancing warms up and loosens my muscles so I feel pretty good until I sit down for a while. 

Any weird food cravings?  No, but we bought Honey Nut Cheerios and I've been eating that almost every night since we bought it.  It probably isn't that healthy but better than chips!  Plus I end up drinking milk, which is good for the calcium.

Moodswings?  I'm ok as long as I feel heard and appreciated.  I get upset if I'm asked to do something when I feel sore and it isn't understood that I'm really not up to it; like in an "I can barely walk" sore.  I think he's becoming more understanding (I hope!).

Any baby purchases?  Nope. 

What about the nursery?  We moved the stuff from the closet of the future nursery (currently acting as a pantry and recycle area) into the closet of the current spare room.  We added shelves and just reorganized everything.  The closet in the spare room is also much bigger, so it was easier to make it work.  I then moved the baby's stuff into the other closet which cleared up the spare room (which is where it was stored).  At some point in the near future we'll have to move the bed and boxes out of the spare room and move the items from the future office into the spare room.  Then we'll be good to paint the nursery!  When we moved in, we just placed items in a convenient spot, and never moved it, so it'll be nice to reorganize everything.

Ultrasound on Tuesday!!! <3

Friday, November 19, 2010

Week #18

There is definitely some movement going on!  Before I could only feel movement if I were lying on my back, but now I feel it while I'm sitting up as well.  Occasionally, it will even feel like my stomach is (lightly) flicked from the inside!  I'm finding that my belly is getting in the way now.  It's still small enough that I just reposition myself to do what I need to do (like tie my shoes) but I find that I have to rethink how I do it.  I'm having a really hard time accepting my body growing and I have to continually remind myself that I'm supposed to get larger.  I started keeping a log of my weight gain at 12.5 weeks and this week I'm exactly 4 lbs heavier (and 1 lb lighter than last week); since I was nowhere near petite when I found out I was pregnant, I really only need to gain 15-25 lbs (instead of 20-30 for average sized women).

This week Baby K measures in at 14.2 cm (5.6 inches) and 190 grams (6.7 oz).  The baby's finger- and toeprints are starting to form, signalling my baby's individuality.  Meconium (early fecal matter) is starting to accumulate in the baby's bowels, and it is made up from dead cells, digestive secretions, amniotic fluid and all that jazz.  In the middle of this week the baby's eyes will (finally) be facing forward and the ears will be in their final position as well. 

At this point, my uterus is about the size of a cantaloupe, with the top being just below my belly button.  My website has figured that by now I've gained about 10-13 lbs, but like I said, I'm at 4 lbs.  And by the end of the week, my heart will start working 40% harder than before!  Oh, back pain is mentioned: I just figured it was due to my being lazy (which probably doesn't help!), so it's nice to know that I should expect more of it.  Some tips to keep back pain at a minimum are to watch your weight gain (check), exercise regularly (check), sleep on your left side (...), use heat pads on sore spots (nope), and talk to doctor about pain medication (nope).  Due to the energy demands placed on my body, these last 2 trimesters are going to require me eating a bunch of carbs, which is awesome since that's what I eat!

How am I feeling?  I have a sore/achy back, which feels like I slept wrong - which is entirely possible - but it could be normal, judging by what I just read on sore backs during pregnancy.  I'm uncomfortable sitting and a little grotesque since the bottom of my belly can rest of my thighs when I am sitting up straight (or leaning forward).  I went to 3 out of 4 dance classes and made sure to take it easy stretching in jazz, so my inner adductor (muscle possibly identified by Judy!) isn't as sore as it was last week.  I was also told by my ballet teacher to stop doing crunches!!  Apparently, as the belly gets in the way, the abdominal muscles (?) will actually split in the center to create a shorter path along the sides of the abdomen.  Once the belly is gone, a chasm is left and it can take a while to re-knit itself.  Instead, she suggested some breathing exercises to work the core and will actually help during labour!  Unfortunately, I suck at describing thing, but it is essentially deep breaths and while exhaling you tighten your abs at the same time.  Make sense??  I've also been getting acid reflux, and there have been times when I've felt nauseous, so at night I make sure to prop myself up higher by adding an extra pillow under my shoulders.

Any weird food cravings?  No, but I was craving cherries the other day and unfortunately they're out of season now. :(

Mood swings?  I still get teary seeing emotional things on tv and totally lost it watching The Doctors the other day!  But, it was an episode on babies born to drug-addicted moms, so I probably would've cried (just not as much) even if I weren't pregnant.  I'm still emotional when Kevin's being a dick, but that is legitimate, not just hormones.

Any baby purchases?  No, seems like we've slowed down.  However, once we find out the baby's sex (1.5 weeks!) we'll probably pick out more stuff that is suited to gender.

What about the nursery?  We bought some glow-in-the-dark star stickers while at West Edmonton Mall, but that's it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Week #17

I am nearly 100% sure that I can feel the baby move, but it usually only happens at night when I'm trying to get comfortable to sleep.  It feels like my heart is racing when it happens, so I don't know if the baby's movements are speeding my heart (is that possible?!) or if my racing heart is making me think that I'm feeling the baby move.  Another good visual is a muscle spasm: you know that twitch when a muscle is spasming out of control?  It's like that, but on the inside.  Kevin isn't able to feel it yet, but I googled time frames and it is usually between 20-30 weeks that someone else can feel movement.  Some have felt it as early as 17-19 weeks, so I'm hoping he'll be able to feel it sooner rather than later. 

We don't really have a nickname for our baby (e.g., spud, peanut, viper, etc) but whether our baby is a boy or a girl, the name is going to start with "K" so I may just start referring to it as Baby K instead of just baby or it.

This week Baby K is 13 cm from crown to rump and about 140 grams (nearly 5 oz), which is double what it was 2 weeks ago.  My uterus is about 2 inches below my belly button and is definitely visible.  I'm still not in maternity clothes, but my jeans are snugger and it's just more comfortable to wear stretchy pants.  I did try on a maternity shirt on Sunday, but it made me look twice as big as I am, so I'm going to put that away until my belly is bigger.  Plus, air was blowing up my shirt and making my belly cold (which it usually is, btw).  I haven't gained the 5-10 lbs that my website has hypothesized, but I've definitely gained at least 3 lbs (I weighed myself a couple days ago - and I've been tracking my weight and measurements out of curiousity).

Baby K keeps looking more and more human and its weight will increase 6 fold over the next several month.  Fat deposits (AKA adipose tissue) will become more evident, which is great since fat tissue helps aid metabolism and heat production.

One of the major symptoms of this stage in my pregnancy is fatigue - but it should improve over the next few weeks.  Thank goodness.  Moderate exercise should help, but due to sore joints I've missed my classes this week and will probably only do drop-in dance, starting December.  That's going to suck, but it'll be cheaper since I'm usually missing one class per week anyway.

How am I feeling?  Mainly tired, but this past week I've also been feeling sore.  My right hip socket (along the bikini line) has been feeling tender, so I googled it and it is most likely round ligament pain.  And my lower abdomen has been a little sore too, but that's normal as well.  Between the two ailments I feel uncomfortable sitting for too long and walking can be painful.  Twisting side-to-side is definitely out of the question.  All in all, I feel like an invalid and am so thankful that I'm not working right now. 

Any weird food cravings?  No, but I wouldn't mind going to Than Vu or out for butter chicken. :-)

Mood swings?  If I had written this last night, I could've said "no".  But, I think the problem is that I'm home all day and don't get out as much as I used to.  Plus, I didn't dance at all this week, so I didn't get my talking fix in then, which led to me feeling super isolated and alone.  And fighting with Kevin about it.  So, to solve this problem, I need to get out more or at least do more at home (not just watching tv!).

Any baby purchases?  ... no?  But we're going to West Edmonton mall tomorrow so that may change.

What about the nursery?  No change.  My mother-in-law offered to buy us a crib with an attached change table (instead of the one posted last week) but we declined.  We weren't going to buy a change table anyway and most people just use their floor (with a change mat, of course) out of fear of the baby falling off.  One of these days we'll have to get that nursery started though - preferably before I'm 8 months along.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Week #16

This week the baby is 11.6 cm (4.5 inches) and weighs in at 100 grams (3.53 oz)!  That was a 30 gram weight increase!  I think I felt the baby move!  But I've been so psyched up for it that it might be my overeager imagination.  I was telling Kevin that I thought it would be hilarious if someone blew a raspberry on a pregnant woman's belly and got kicked in the mouth for it.  He didn't think it was so funny.  Maybe my sense of humour has changed?

By now the baby's head is covered with lanugo, and has fully formed fingernails.  So now it's catch up time for the toenails!  And from now on the body is growing faster, so that the head will start to look more proportionate to the rest of its body.  The head and neck muscles are growing stronger now so the head is now held more erect.

The website then goes on to talk about Alpha protein being measured.  However, unless this is a specially ordered test or only done in the States, I have no idea where I'm at in terms of this protein.  Since I know the monthly urinalysis looks at proteins, it is possible that my checkup yesterday would involve this test.  The Alpha protein test is done between 16 and 18 weeks and an accurate test involves knowing the exact gestational age and weight.  Elevated levels of Alpha protein could mean that there's something wrong with the baby: spinabifida, anecephaly or Down's Syndrome.  If high levels of protein are found, a careful ultrasound will look for signs of the abnormalities.

This week my uterus weighs in at 3.73 kg (8.75 oz) and is 3 inches below my belly button.  One of the perks is supposed to be less pressure on my bladder, which may be why I haven't woken up at 4:30 am the past couple nights.  Oh, something to look forward to: leaking.  This is not colostrum, but rather a buildup of fluids.  This pregnancy thing just keeps getting better and better!  Another perk: nasal congestion.  Last week they mentioned a perpetually runny nose and this week it's congestion.  They did mention headaches as a symptom, and I had a hell of a time with headaches last week, so maybe that's why?? 

And finally, if I were an older mother (35 years or older) I would be scheduled for an amniocentosis any week now.  For this, they suck out amniotic fluid and examine it for signs of genetic abnormalities (such as chromosomal problems, fetal sex complications, skeletal diseases, fetal infections, hematologic diseases, and inborn metabolism complications).

How am I feeling?  Tired, more often than not.

Any weird food cravings?  Not really.  Maybe going back to spicy food!

Mood swings?  Still yes!  But I like to think that I'm getting a little better and more open about why I'm upset so then my husband can understand.  Poor guy.

Any baby purchases?  I think we managed to restrain ourselves this week, but my mom called the other day and said she bought tons and tons of stuff!  I'd feel guilty, but there are so many pregnant women right now (my sister-in-law is due a week or 2 after me) so it isn't like my mom is spending all of her hard-earned money on just my baby.

What about the nursery?  My mother-in-law just offered to buy us a transitional crib the other night!  I was not expecting that at all and I feel a little overwhelmed by her generosity.  The crib is pictured below and we were thinking of getting it in white.  It is a 4-in-one, so it changes from a crib into a toddler bed, then a day bed and finally into a double.  Crazy, hey?!
Stork Craft® 'Chelsea' 4-in-1 Convertible Crib
Oh and PS, I'm going to post another belly picture, but under the "Belly Pictures" tab.  I would have uploaded one already, but my camera battery was dead, so definitely later!  Originally I was only going to do one picture a month, but already my belly has gotten larger (noticeably, to me at least) and so maybe I'll update every 2 weeks.  :)

** Update: 16 week photo is now up **

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Doctor Appointment #5 & Fetal Heart Rate #2

Today was just a routine checkup and Q&A with the doctor.  I had a medical student in today, and she seemed pretty nervous (but trying to hide it) so I ended up feeling even more comfortable chatting with her.  The doctor I had today was Dr. Breckman and she was really nice too.  Under her supervision, she had Anamaria (the student) feel for my uterus.  And I was able to learn how they do it!  She said that she feels along the pelvis until she reaches a "ridge" or "drop off" and that's how she knows.  Cool, hey?  And apparently my uterus is 18 inches from pubic bone to top. 

We did another fetal heart rate today and baby must've been sleeping since the heart rate was 144 bpm.  However, it is my understanding that the larger the baby, the slower the heart rate, so it makes sense.  And over 140 bpm is considered a girl, lol.

My ultrasound is scheduled for November 30th (yay!) and my next doctor's appointment won't be until December 2nd, which is the same week.  And at that point I'll be 20 weeks (or 5 months).

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week #15

There are times when I'm really glad I started this blog.  Like now, for instance.  I would have already lost count of how far along I was were it not for my weekly updates.  So, 15 weeks down, 25 more to go!  It feels like I'm already so close to half-way...until I realize that those extra 5 weeks are equivalent to one month and one week.  And then I start to wonder how I'll ever make it to the end.  I've never been the most patient person, and being pregnant truly does affect everything I do.  I always assumed that it was something that I could toss into the back of my mind until I was further along, but this kid really doesn't let me!  First, it was nausea; now my stomach is gradually expanding and making it uncomfortable to sleep at night or to even sit upright.  And finally, it'll be the monstrous belly with the kicking to keep me occupied.

My baby has grown another 1.4 cm to top it off at 10.1 cm long and it now weighs in around 70 grams and is approximately the size of a softball.
I keep commenting on how fast the baby is growing, and the highest rates of growth will occur over the next few weeks; more specifically, weeks 20 and 25.  As my uterus starts to thin, I'll be able to feel the baby flutter about!  Actually, it should happen any day now, but most first-time moms aren't able to distinguish the difference between baby movements and stomach rumbles until it happens more frequently.

My baby's skin is thin and is covered with lanugo, which is fine hair, and, interestingly enough, the baby's hair development pattern will be determined this week.  After birth, the baby's hair will grow at a rate of 13 mm (1/2 inch) per month.  The eyes are still moving, and though the ears are already placed, they will start to grow externally now and nearly look normal.  The bones are getting harder and harder and would even be visible if I had an x-ray.

My uterus is about 3-4 inches below my belly button and sleep is going to only become more difficult from now on.  A pillow is recommended for between my knees (and I use it to prop up my belly too since all of the weight slides when I'm on my side) to alleviate round ligament pain.  Sleeping on the left side is preferred since the weight of the baby and uterus can put pressure on the inferior vena caver, which takes blood from the lower body to the heart.  And I guess I need to start eating an extra 300 calories a day, which shouldn't be too hard since we have tons of Halloween candy left, lol. ;)

How am I feeling?  Still exhausted.  Weekends are usually better, but I find that I usually wake up when my husband gets up for work and have a difficult time falling back asleep.  However, since I'm still super tired, I try anyway and wake up really late.  And still feel tired.  One day over the weekend I started putting the pillow under my belly and slept really well that night, so at least I'm a little more comfortable now. 

Any weird food cravings?  Hmmm.  I haven't satisfied this one yet, but lately I've been wanting chocolate covered almonds.

Mood swings?  Yes.  And I imagine I'll have them for the rest of the pregnancy.  I find that little things irritate me and if not dealt with quickly, it gets bottled up and I have a meltdown.  I also find that things are bothering me that shouldn't and it really freaks me out that I'm mis-interpreting what people are saying.  I've always thought of myself as having a lower estrogen count (this is my theory, it may be wrong) and so I've never really had PMS.  I'd get more irritable during the leadup to my period, but the rest of the time I was usually laid back.  Now, my estrogen and progesterone levels are high due to pregnancy (and, if I'm carrying a girl, I imagine they're higher still) so it's really messing with my head.  I'm trying to not let things bother me, and if they do bother me, to say something or to find out if what I interpreted is right.  It's really stressful for me.

Any baby purchases?  We went to this super awesome toy store and found an inflatable booster seat that will definitely be well used when we visit or go on trips.  This handy gadget is compact and straps to any chair so it's perfect for situations where we can't bring our home high chair (or whatever we use).  The only thing is that it doesn't have a tray, but considering how small it is compared to the rest of them, it's ok.  Maybe we'll just bring our own placemat to prevent too much spillage to the host's table.

What about the nursery?  My mom had a used cradle at her house that she kindly gave to us.  We plan on leaving this in the living room for naps.

It really hit me the other day that I'm going to be a mom.  And not in a glowy kind of way.  In a this-is-for-the-rest-of-your-life commitment kind of way.  And it terrified me that I'll be losing some of my freedom.  I also found a hot topic that can be just as controversial as talking about religion!  And it really set me off that I'm already facing this kind of pressure when I'm not even 4 months along.  It's a personal decision and no one else's business.  My husband finally relented but not after a huge fight and some tears (mine).  He still disagrees, but has finally ceded to "we'll see what happens when the baby is born."  And it isn't as though I disagree wholly with his side, I just refuse to be trapped by it, especially if there are uncontrollable situations.  Plus, as a science major, I don't understand how it is such a miracle cure-for-all and how it can prevent adult health problems.  So, with the suggestion of my husband, I'm going to research it.