Saturday, May 28, 2011

8 weeks

Krew's Measurements:
Head circumference: 41 cm (at birth, 34 cm)
Length: 59 cm (at birth, 53 cm)
Weight: 11 lbs 14 oz (at 4 weeks, 9 lbs 12 oz; at birth, 8 lbs 5 oz)

As you can see, he's been growing. A LOT. His eyes most definitely track moving objects now, though sometimes it seems laggy, and his most favourite object to stare at (besides me) are bright lights, either natural or artificial.

Krew dropped the midnight feeding a couple weeks ago and just recently dropped the 3 a.m. feeding as well. So this means that he lets me sleep until 4:30 or 5 a.m.! It's amazing how wide awake I feel when I go in to feed him. He also will sleep again after that feeding and wake up again around 7:30, but then wants to be up at that point. I hope this amazing change stays. It really messes with my system to wake up between 2 and 4 a.m. and then I just end up super cranky.

Krew also rolled over for the first/only time last week! I'm pretty sure it was accidental, but he did it in the little office cradle we have. Unfortunately, we both missed it, but Kevin did catch the movement out of the corner of his eye. The video below shows him attempting it (immediately after rolling over) but then he started to get frustrated.

In this next video you can see him smiling, as well as see how he focuses when he hears music.

The other day he was being super fussy, which was incredibly stressful for both me and him. He wouldn't eat more than an ounce at a time and then would screech horribly when I would try to feed him more. He finally settled down in the late afternoon and I was then able to feed him a full bottle. Just yesterday I noticed he did it again, but with a specific bottle. I poured his milk into a different bottle (one that I knew he liked) and he finished it. That means his issues were with his bottle and not him. While I'm happy that it's an issue that is fixable, I feel like a jerk for not catching on earlier since the bottle that Krew had finished was a different style from the ones he wouldn't drink out of.

When I was in the doctor's office, I asked her about my legs since they are still incredibly swollen, but also had developed rash-like markings near my ankles. She said they were broken blood vessels and that a woman's body is supposed to go back to normal after having a baby, not develop issues like swollen feet/ankles/legs. She said that I have good circulation in my feet, but I'm going to be getting some blood work done to rule out potential issues, with my thyroid for example. In the mean time I've (finally!) picked up some compression socks that should help keep the discomfort of the swelling to a minimum.

Good times.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

7 weeks

Krew is growing so fast! At his 4 week appointment, he weighed in at 9 lbs 12 oz (up from his 8 lbs 5 oz birth weight). He has maxed out the length of his 3 month old sleepers and the shoulders have started to pull when he straightens his legs out. To give you an idea of how long he is, when he's standing up straight I can't put him against my chest or he'll bump the underside of my chin. His feet are the same size as the feet in the sleepers too. There is still some room in the tummy area, but I imagine that'll follow soon now that he has a double chin!

He is definitely smiling now and he also has a grin that lights up his face. He has learned to scrunch his eyes when he grins too and he always greets me with that particular grin in the mornings when I feed him. He has found his voice too (and not just to demand service). He sqwawks when he wants us to talk to him, and it is more of an "ah" noise that, because it rises in inflection at the end, sounds like he's asking a question.

 He has started grasping voluntarily now (and not just when you put your finger in his hand), but I keep forgetting to tie back my hair. Luckily he hasn't started pulling yet. He hasn't quite figured out that his hands are attached to his arms so he gets angry when his own arm shoves his soother/bottle out of his mouth. He also has sharp baby nails that Kevin has dubbed "kitten claws." My description is a little more accurate: vampire claws. Those things hurt and Krew currently has a few scratches on his face from them.

He isn't a fan of tummy time and I can't really blame him since I think he's doing it the hard way. When he's on his belly he leans to one side so the opposite leg is lifted. If he didn't lean he would have the balance from both legs and both arms.

He definitely likes music. Whether it's the lame ABC sounds coming from his lounge rocker or actual songs, he stops to listen (at least briefly). He's started to actually focus on objects, instead of just staring off in the distance. He's a total moth too, lol. He loves to stare at light and will actually turn his head to follow it. So maybe he's more of a sunflower.

Speaking of his's totally flatter on his right side behind his ear. It's his favourite side to sleep on and he's gotten used to it so now we have to train him to use both sides equally or he'll have an awkward shaped head when he's older. When he's in his lounge chair we place a folded receiving blanket behind his right shoulder to prevent him from sleeping on his right side. So far it seems to work, but when he's upset it just makes him even angrier.

Which brings me to his personality. Krew can be very mercurial when it comes to his emotions. Like I mentioned earlier, he gets upset easily, but he can calm down quite fast if you fix the problem sooner rather than later. The longer he's upset, the harder it is to calm him down, it's as simple as that. He also doesn't like to nap in a separate room, so he'll usually fall asleep in his lounge chair. Luckily he's still okay with his crib at night.

Blue Eyes
Fascinated with himself
Krew has beautiful blue eyes; they're dark with a lighter middle. I hope he keeps that shade, especially since they are similar in colour to Kevin's. He does, however, have MY hair colour! And yes, I'm totally smug about it! It's hard to photograph, but his hair is starting to come in blonde. His hair also looks like a dark auburn in darker light, and if you get it under direct sunlight, it looks golden. My hair colour is one of the few things I wanted to pass on, so I really hope he keeps it! (You can sort of see his hair colour in the above picture.)