My Opinion:
Heh. I had that written down as IMHO (In My Honest Opinion) and then realized it looked like "I'M a HO" so I changed it.
I have solved the swollen feet fiasco! My office desk is situated so that the vent blows hot air onto my feet - which is great when I'm cold; however, with my pulse running at 90 bpm or higher my feet are never truly cold, and this caused them to swell. Like crazy. The past few days I've been working on my course stuff out in the living room and the swelling has disappeared. It's awesome!
My lower back and right hip have been causing me grief and I haven't figured out how to get around that yet. I've even tried sleeping on my side, but only after falling asleep on my back first - otherwise the heartburn kills me. Regardless of which position I fall asleep in, if I wake during the night my back feels stiff and cramped. My hips ache when I use my legs to help me roll over, so I'm assuming it'll either get worse or I'll find a way to make it bearable.
I've been feeling super tired lately, yet when I go to bed I have a difficult time falling asleep. If I find myself wide awake at 5 in the morning, I usually get up to go to the bathroom (might as well) but then when I lie down again, the kid has woken up and goes nuts. I've also been shuttling Kevin to work this week so it could be that my body is just complaining.
This week the kid is 1.702 kg (or 3.75 lbs) and is 42.4 cm (or 16.7 inches) long. My uterus should also be about 12 cm above my belly button and 32 cm above my pubic symphysis. I have currently gained around 26.5 lbs, but I was told (complimented?) earlier this week by Kevin's boss: he told me that I finally looked pregnant. I told him that I figured I'd have to at some point, and this seemed like a good time, lol.
This week my boy will be able to register on all 5 of his senses, he'll open his eyes in bright light and close them in dark (like a budgie!), and his toe nails should now be fully formed.
They go on to talk about how I must have felt Braxton Hicks contractions by now - but other than calling them spasms (or a tightening of the belly) that I may or may not have felt since I was 6 weeks along, I have no idea wtf they're talking about. Maybe if I'd been pregnant or given birth once before I'd know, but this is entirely useless information as far as I'm concerned. I do however notice when he kicks me in the ribs or has hiccups (or are those Braxton Hicks?).
Time to figure out what to pack for the hospital! And what I want to do for a birth plan; thankfully I finally found a useful link for that aspect. Kevin and I (mainly my idea) decided to nix the prenatal classes since all the reviews I've heard have been negative. A couple of people have mentiond that they'd learned one useful thing, but I figure if all you can learn is 1 useful thing out of a 6 week program (slated at 1 hour each), then that's not a good enough reason to go. Especially when that person can just tell me that one useful thing, lol.
I have heard positive things about the delivery staff though, and if (hah!) I'm in pain I doubt I'll remember any of that information anyway, so I might as well be coached through it without hearing about the gory details. I somehow managed to make it all the way through high school without seeing the delivery videos, so I'll skip them now when they're a little more relevant. Besides, the internet contains heaps of information, and I'm a smart kid, so it isn't like I'm going in blind. I'm even debating creating a birth plan since even those carefully laid plans can be easily tossed aside.
Oh! I'm getting my maternity pictures taken tomorrow afternoon! Yay!
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