Friday, February 18, 2011

Week #31 & Doctor Appointment #9

My Opinion:
I am so ready for this to be over now. I'm uncomfortable more often than not, and I feel like an invalid. While it is nice to have Kevin fetch things for me from the basement or to carry 98% of the groceries in from the car, I do feel a little silly when he asks if I need help getting into and out of the car. Although, to be honest, I will probably need the help soon.

My feet are still incredibly swollen and my back (in between my shoulder blades and a little lower) has started to ache. My ribs have joined in as well, either out of sympathy or group protest. When I walk I sway like I'm in a canoe and when I sit I have to lean to the left since the kid has decided he likes the right side. On a good note, he doesn't kick as much as he used to; however, when he does move it is more painful. Why have I never heard about how it hurts when the baby kicks? For some reason I naively believed that I would be insulated from his movements. Wrong.

I recently added another pillow to my side of the bed (bringing me up to 4) so I can sleep higher at night. I have also discovered that if I stop eating a couple hours before bed then I don't get heartburn as badly. Score! Despite the fact that I've been sleeping well (read: not getting up at night to pee), I've still been tired during the day.

By the way, you must check out this link! It illustrates the internal changes while a woman pregnant, and, if you're curious like me, it shows where her organs go (hint: it's up) while the baby is cohabiting.

Doctor's Appointment:
I went to see Dr. Brenckmann today, and found out that I'm NEGATIVE for gestational diabetes! Woo! My numbers were on the high end of the normal range, but still below the cutoff mark, so I'm good. The kid also decided to cooperate with the doctor and allow her to measure his heart rate, although she isn't sure whether he's head down yet. I have another appointment in 2 which point I'll only have 7 weeks left. Meaning less than 2 months. Eeep!

The kid is now around 1.502 kg (or 3.3 lbs) and is around 41.1 cm (16.2 inches) in length. My uterus is now 11 cm above my belly button and 31 cm above my pubic symphysis with my weight gain between 21 and 27 lbs (I'm at 26 lbs).

If I went into labour today, my baby would be able to breathe (very important), listen, see, remember and learn. His weight gain will slow down this week too, as his little body will start to put more energy into developing his internal organs. Also his skeleton is starting to harden like crazy, so calcium is very important right now (I'm all over that).

As you can see, I've changed the format of my Q&A section. I figured since my mood, cravings, and nursery never really changed that I would stop writing about them, unless something interesting happened. In which case it'll get added somewhere.

I did, however, receive the Nestle baby diaper bag package today! It's a one-shouldered diaper bag that includes the following: change mat, 150 mL Nuk Orthodontic (BPA-free) bottle, 340 g Nestle Good Start Iron-Fortified Formula, Baby's First Formula Feeding Kit (which includes 8x89 mL Nestle Good Start Omega 3 & 6 Ready-to-Feed bottles and bonus nipple), as well as a pamphlet on breastfeeding. It also included a pack of single-serving instant coffee, but I don't drink coffee, so it doesn't count.

PS - Blogger photo uploader is being an ass, so I wasn't able to include a picture of the package or of my sexy feet. Maybe later.

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