Friday, February 4, 2011

Week #29

Did you see that I finally posted new belly pictures? If you want to see how big I've gotten recently, go have a look.

Pregnancy is weird. And creepy. It's the only time in your life that you willingly allow a parasite to live inside yourself, and you also allow it to reach maturation and burst from your body.

I can now feel Baby K roll around in my stomach with my hand. A couple nights ago I had my hand resting on my stomach feeling his kicks (which I've gotten used to) when all of a sudden the bulge under my hand flattened. He'd moved. He did it a few times after that, but I was so creeped out that I couldn't rest my hand on my stomach anymore.

The little stinker is also active enough that it is getting harder to fall asleep at night. I just keep telling myself that it's a sign of strength and that this is a good thing. Although I guess it is good practice for the sleepless nights that are coming up. He's been giving me hella heartburn at night, and sometimes even being propped up doesn't help. And then there's my feet. I've never been a foot person, but I used to think my feet were proportionate - they were longish and slender. Now they're fat and swollen. Especially my left one. My ankles have disappeared into the wonderful world of my calves, so now I fully understand the meaning of "cankles." I've only put on a little bit of weight in my face, but I expect that part to catch up soon. I just keep telling myself that after a couple months I'll stop getting bigger and then I can focus on losing the weight. Until he's born I'm going to keep gaining weight since he still needs to gain another 5+ lbs, so I just need to suck it up until then.

The kid now weighs in at 1.153 kg (approximately 2.54 lbs) and measures 38.6 cm (15.2 inches). My uterus should now sit about 7.5-10 cm above my belly button and 29 cm above my pubic symphysis. By this time my weight gain should be around 18-27 lbs (I weigh in at 20 lbs). Considering how much I've already gained, I'm going to assume that I'll put on a total of 30 lbs. I just hope I'm not over by too much.

My baby's lungs are now developed enough that he would be able to breathe air, and his brain is advanced enough to control rhythmic breathing on its own, should he be impatient enough to make an appearance. In fact, with each passing day his chances of surviving increase dramatically, so I'll keep him inside for a little while longer. With each passing week a baby's weight gain increases rapidly, so the longer he stays indoors, the bigger he'll be. On a side note: boys weigh more than girls (I'm doomed), and the baby's weight gain increases with each birth (although I'm sure there are exceptions). I've already figured out that Kevin weighed just over 8 lbs (I think it was 8 lbs 0.5 oz), and my brothers never weighed that much, so I'm reallyreallyreally hoping this kid won't weigh more than 8 lbs. I get that everyone's body is equipped to birth babies of that size, but I just don't want to lug around that much weight! I already feel winded as it is.

Oh! My baby is also learning the difference between light and dark (meaning: when it's dark it's party time!), sound, taste, and even his skin is becoming more sensitive. His eyes are even capable of moving in their sockets so he's going to practice ogling.

How am I feeling? Some nights this kid keeps me awake, but other times I can sleep right through, so it just depends. Although I've been off my schedule this week so that's probably why I feel all messed up. Sometimes at night I feel like I can't breathe properly, so I have to deal with that on top of the heartburn. Good times.

By the way, if you ever want a good laugh, watch a pregnant woman attempt to tie her shoe laces. I would think it was funnier if it wasn't me that I was laughing at.

What am I craving this week? Food doesn't interest me as much this week. I mean, I still eat and snack, but it seems like I would go longer between meals if it weren't for my boredom snacking while I do my coursework. Food that normally appeals to me just seems blah when I think about it. I think I eat more out of habit that desire right now, which is probably not a bad thing since I'm still eating.

Mood swings? Meh, it happens.

Any baby purchases? No.

What about the nursery?  No changes, but I'm starting to think about washing all the clothes/blankets/etc that I have just so then they're ready to go. I'll probably wait on those for another month yet.

I've now finished coursework that wasn't due until April 10th! My midterm was originally slated for May 22nd, with my personal goal to have it finished by March 14th. I'm now aiming to have my midterm finished by the beginning of March. Earlier, if possible, but I won't push myself too hard. My grades are really high and I have huge goals of being hired by Accentus right after I'm finished my course. They love CanScribe grads and I'm hoping that the sooner I finish, the sooner I can start working (part time, of course). As an Independent Contractor I'll be able to work from my home and set my own hours, and after the baby goes to school (or later, if we decide to have another) I want to work in a hospital setting. I think this is the most post-school goal-oriented I've ever been, to be honest!

Doctor's appointment later today! Hopefully I'll find out that I'm diabetes free.

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