Hospital Tour:
We (finally) did the hospital tour on Wednesday. I figured that if we put it off much longer that we would run the risk of not knowing where to go when it was time for the baby to be born. There is a virtual tour available for the UHNBC for those curious-minded individuals, and for those interested in checking it out in person, the tour is every first and third Wednesday of the month from 1 pm to 2 pm.
The tour group was small (2 other couples, plus they brought one child each) so we weren't having to peer over shoulders to see what was going on. We weren't able to see any of the Assessment Rooms (they were full!) but we got a quick glimpse into one of the postpartum rooms. Most of the tour was conducted inside the Labour & Delivery Room, which was huge and equipped with extra supplies, labour accessories (exercise ball and labour bar), plus a private ensuite. There was an extra bed, a fetal heart rate monitor, baby bassinet, baby warmer, an IV pole, plus a personal supply of nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Apparently IVs are only necessary when the mother arrives on the dehydrated side, so I'm going to make sure I stay hydrated to avoid one.
It was definitely reassuring to know where to go when I eventually go into labour, and all of the different options available for labouring. Some of the info will be filed away for later use and some discarded entirely, but options are options and it is nice to know I have some.
Doctor Appointment:
I went into my doctor's appointment on Thursday feeling a little anxious. On Wednesday night I noticed that I had been spotting; however, since the baby is super active I wasn't terribly worried. But I did get a little excited thinking that maybe it was my mucus plug; but if that was the case I'd probably have to be a little more careful since that is what keeps bacteria, etc out of the uterus. Turns out I have a bladder infection (which is where the blood came from), so I'm on antibiotics for a week. The upside is that now my bladder won't be sensitive to touch anymore. There really is no downside, actually. A quick dipstick test of my urine sample tested positive for blood and bacteria, and my cervix was swabbed (just in case), so my next doctor's appointment is next week (with Dr. Cosio) to discuss my lab results, as well as do another checkup. My antibiotics are also only for a week, so if needed I could have my prescription refilled at that time. (Amoxicillin 500 mg t.i.d. x7 days - haha!)
Also, the baby's head is down! Or at least it was when the doctor checked him out. His heart rate was about 142 bpm, which is lower than it has been in the past, but the older the baby gets, the slower the heart rate becomes. My heartrate, on the other hand, was at 95. NINETY-FIVE. My normal resting heartrate used to be around 72 bpm and so I'm over 20 bpm higher than I was before I got pregnant. Insane!
My Opinion:
The maternity shots were postponed last weekend due to snow; we hope to do them soon.
There's been a lot of kicking of my right ribs lately and a lot of movement in my lower abdomen. It feels weird - sort of ticklish but like digestion at the same time. I think my belly is getting wider too - before it was sort of egg-shaped (narrow end sticking out) but now it seems to be filling in more. I've been having some trouble walking due to the hip pain, but this probably has a lot to do with the fact that I sit for hours on end working on my program. Although my feet and lower back would ache if I spent more time standing, so I'm really at that stage where I can't win either way.
This week the kid weighs in at 1.918 kg (or 4.23 lbs) and is around 43.7 cm (or 17.20 inches) long - although my kid is probably way taller than that by now, lol. My uterus is now around 13 cm above my belly button and 33 cm above my pubic symphysis, with my weight gain between 22 and 28 lbs (I'm at 30 lbs -- oops!).
He's also going to be putting that thumb to good use as he practices his sucking, and he will continue to put on weight to fill out those fat deposits. Also, his skin should be changing colour now from red to pink as a result of the aforementioned fat deposits.
My mom was in town last week and bought some things for my baby: a crib pad, a crib sheet, a nasal aspirator (never would have thought of that one on my own), and a little outfit.
Kevin and I keep talking about how we need to get that bag packed, but haven't been able to pull it off quite yet. I want to pick up some travel-sized toiletries and then I don't need to worry about forgetting mine at home when the time comes. We also need to pick out a coming home outfit, especially since most of his clothes right now are around the 3 month old range, and maybe some brand new newborn diapers. We have size 1's, but then she showed us the ones in the hospital...and they're way smaller. Maybe just a small pack, just in case he does end up bigger.
I should probably also start washing some of his things, like receiving blankets, so that those are ready to go when he's born too. The other things, like larger clothes, can even wait if I don't get around to them before he's born.
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