Friday, March 25, 2011

Week #36 (9 months) and Doctor Appointment #12

Doctor Appointment:
I had another doctor's appointment this week, and will continue to have one every week now until I deliver. I saw Dr. Cosio again and we discussed my swollen feet. She stressed that the only time they really worry about swollen feet are when it is accompanied by swollen hands/face and protein in the urine sample; however, I didn't have those problems, so they are just inconvenient. She did mention that there are special compression socks at Walmart that can help alleviate the swelling, and to also put my feet up more often. The socks act like a sort of tensor bandage: the constant pressure on my feet/legs help prevent the fluids from pooling in my feet. Since I get extremely uncomfortable with my feet up, I may have to just go with the socks.

A swab was done to check for Group B strep - I'll know later whether I have it. When checking baby's stats, I'm still the right size, and his heart rate was 150 bpm.

Doctor Cosio also mentioned that I have the option to have a membrane sweep done weekly starting at Week 38. A membrane sweep is a literal sweep of the cervix with the physician's finger to separate the uterus from the cervix. Research indicates that having a membrane sweep done will help the body produce prostaglandins, a hormone that will help induce labour, and this method is far easier on the body than having the hormones injected into the body 10 days post-due date. I'm definitely going to go for it. Possible complications could include rupturing the membranes, but so far the doctor is on a winning streak.

My Opinion:
I still need to:
  1. Wash K's stuff.
  2. Clean/organize his room (even more so).
  3. Pack a bag for K, myself, and Kevin.
  4. Make sure the car seat fits.
  5. Pre-register at hospital.
  6. Finish the nursery: put up blinds, curtains, and storage hangers.
  7. Other stuff that I haven't thought of yet.
Kevin is now under house arrest: He has been told that he must have his cell phone on at all times and that he is not to leave town.

I've been feeling restless lately, but it usually occurs late at night rather than the middle of the day. I have a difficult time sitting still, even at the computer. I feel like I need to be doing something that involves my hands, and I don't even have the patience for reading (which is tragic). I'm trying to squeeze in last-minute plans with friends before the baby arrives, but even those plans are starting to make me feel panicky, since the end is within sight. The baby still hasn't dropped, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he won't shift into position overnight. Having the bags nearly packed has helped to alleviate some stress, but at the same time, not really. I'm excited and freaked out at the same time, but that probably has more to do with not knowing the EXACT moment of his birth ahead of time than anything else. I don't like surprises when it comes to important events in my life, and this one is a biggie.

I've been sick with a cold this past week (blah), but nothing serious more serious than a slight cough and congestion. I woke up one morning with a sore throat, but I almost think I just fell asleep with my mouth open and it dried out. I've been really tired this past week too, which I know is a symptom of the flu, but a lack of headaches and fever have made me decide it's just pregnancy fatigue.

My ribs on the left side have been crazy sore lately, and both of my hips have been causing me grief. It is incredibly uncomfortable for me to lie in bed, and it doesn't matter whether I'm on my side or back. And when it comes to rolling over to get out of bed (or into a more comfortable position) it hurts so much that I want to cry sometimes. Ok, the round ligament pain combined with the shooting pain of baby on my bladder makes me want to cry. (Whine, whine, whine.)

Oh! If you're interested, check out the new tab I added: "Maternity Photos"! I selected a few of my favourites from the ones that Kathryn took, so I hope you enjoy them!

The kid should now be around 2.622 kg (or 5.78 lbs) as well as be around 47.4 cm (or 18.66 inches). He must be getting crowded by now, especially considering the way he squirms (which is all the time - unless I have company).

So, I just googled what it feels like when the baby drops, and I almost think he has. My belly doesn't look any different and I don't walk like I have a watermelon between my legs (I think), but the shooting pains could be indicative of him dropping. My heartburn has all but disappeared and I can breathe again at night, so all of the discomfort is now in my lower back and hips. Hm. If he hasn't dropped, my uterus should be around 14 cm above my belly button, and 36 cm above my pubic symphysis (if he has dropped, it happened after my doctor's appointment since she didn't say anything after measuring).

Apparently my weight gain is supposed to be between 25-30 lbs, but I've totally blown that and it is pissing me off. I have gained nearly 40 lbs and though I've been told by so many people that I look really good for having gained that much (hell, I think I look good too), I'm worried about trying to lose the weight post-pregnancy. Even if 20 lbs were lost automatically after delivering, I still have another 20 to lose! Plus, I still have another month to go, so I'm worried that I'm going to top out at 50-60 lbs by the time the baby is born.

Good news! Apparently my body will become a super energy converter and I may actually lose some weight in the process! I know it won't be that much, but if I stop gaining, I'll be happy. So, what is my boy doing with all my energy? He's gaining weight and may even develop dimples on his elbows and knees.

Apparently swelling and fluid retention are supposed to increase at this point. Geez. I put a bucket under my desk so then I can prop up my feet while I'm doing my coursework, but I just did that yesterday, so don't know yet whether or not it'll be effective.

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