Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week #10

I spotted again Wednesday night, but because it stopped that night I didn't call the doctor's office this time.  I'll mention it at my next prenatal appointment though.

By the end of this week, my baby will be 3.1 cm long and 4 grams and will have graduated from embryo to fetus.  Its head will be double the size of its body, so think of Brain:
only with a rounder head.  The body will also start to straighten out as it grows.  Fingernails, toe nails and hair follicles will start to develop and grow, and the baby's eyelids now completely cover its eyes (or very nearly).  The tongue will be fully formed in the middle of the week.  Weight gain should be steady (I know I have lost weight lately, due to stress).  Interesting pregnancy symptom: melasma, AKA pregnancy mask.  Usually found in women with darker skin, it is a skin discolouration due to the progesterone to estrogen levels found in the body.

How am I feeling?  Exhausted.  All the time.  I'm feeling nauseous at night more often than not, which I suppose is a good thing.

Any weird cravings?  Nothing too crazy, but once I get it in my head, I like to satisfy that craving.  For example, a few days ago I craved chocolate covered strawberries, so I hit up DQ for a chocolate covered strawberry waffle bowl.  It was awesome!

Mood swings?  Not really.  I nearly cried a few times the other day.  I was at the Cafe and one of my (ex?) staff members pulled all the staff out and announced that I was leaving.  And one of the others said that he thought I was a really good boss.  It's my understanding that mood swings hit harder after the first trimester.

Any body changes?  I've lost the war against my belt, having to buckle it one hole looser than before.  Which is funny because I know I've lost weight since becoming pregnant!  But, that might be in my legs (which look awesome, btw) and not in my tummy area.

We bought a stroller today!  Our first big purchase for our baby, its a blue and grey stroller & infant car seat in one.  We got it from Sears and it was on sale ($120 off!).  Considering how most of the combo stroller/car seats were over $200, and we bought this one for $250, we figured we were getting a deal!

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