I'm sooo excited! If I'm lucky, first trimester annoyances (fatigue, morning sickness - all that fun stuff) should go away around the 12th week. If I'm not lucky...well, we'll just hope for the best.
By the end of this week, baby will be 4.1 cm in length and weigh 7 grams! And the baby will be around the size of a large lime. Ho-lee. I did not think it was that big already! Explains the bulge though....
Over the next 3 weeks, the baby will double in length and its external genitalia will become distinguishable. This week the iris will develop and over the next couple days the eyelids will meet and fuse closed (which is only temporary). My baby now has a head that is half its length - so...2ish cm? - and its brain is the same structure that it will have at birth. The reflexes are developing and apparently if its face is touched, it will open its mouth. Honestly? That sounds adorable! Some nearly completed organs include the pancreas, gall bladder and thyroid, with the small intestines moving from the stomach into the umbilical cord. This week carbs are my friend! Which is good since that's what I've been eating: bagels, bread and pasta.
How am I feeling? Actually, pretty good! I still get tired during the day and still feel a little nauseous at night, but for the most part, this is the best I've felt in a long time. It could also be due to the fact that I'm not working and can therefore gets heaps of sleep.
Any weird food cravings? No, still the usual stuff. I've found that staying at home has really limited the cravings since I can't smell anything cooking. Case in point: last night I went for a walk with a friend and I smelled jam (she could too - it wasn't just me!) and I wanted a scone with jam on it. So I'm really thinking that smell plays a huge role in the cravings of a pregnant woman. Another culprit? The imagination.
Mood swings? Nope! Like I said, I've been feeling really good lately, so if anything I've been a little bored, but my cats keep me occupied. I swear they're training me to be a mom already....
Any body changes? Bigger belly! Last week I just thought it was bigger and this week I know that it is. Under clothes it could look like just fat, but when I look at my stomach I know that its my baby who caused it. And seriously? If the kid is the size of a lime its no wonder! It's funny though, I always assumed that women didn't start showing until later in their pregnancy - but it must just be that they don't start looking pregnant until later. Before then it just looks like a big tummy. :-S
Any baby purchases? I've already mentioned the stroller, but shortly after I found out I was pregnant, I went and bought some receiving blankets - it's my understanding that I'll need them in abundance so gradually buying them isn't such a hardship. My mom has also given me a soft yellow-green blanket as well. And the other day my mom called and said that Extra Foods was having a huge sale on diapers, so she bought me some! I hadn't even started to think about diapers yet! I'm starting to think that I'll get a huge shipment of clothes, diapers and blankets when this kid is born, lol!
What about the nursery? Our nursery will be where our office is, for those of you who know our house. Before I even became pregnant, we installed new windows and Kevin had bought new blinds and drapes for the room. Well, he bought them for our room too, but bought extra for the nursery. We (I) plan on painting it teal with fantasy-themed decor. I want the silhouette of a castle on the wall, with maybe some figurines or decals to match. I found some fantastic patterns the other day for cross-stitch, but since they're so time-consuming, I hope it'll get done before the baby makes an appearance. "Or turns 18." <--- So says Kim. As of yet, we haven't bought paint and haven't moved anything around, but I still have 29 weeks to go. That's plenty of time...right?
Oh! Next Dr's appointment is on the 7th and we'll get to hear the heartbeat! I'm hoping that I'll remember to bring a camera or use my phone to capture the moment and if possible, I'm going to upload it on here. :)
Just be careful with the paint fumes, Cris. I'd ask your doc if you doing the bulk of the painting is such a hot idea, could be that you score of a get-out-of-painting-free card. :)