Friday, September 10, 2010

Week #8 & Doctor Appointment #2

My baby looks like Barney.  W. T. H.?

By the end of this week my baby will be around 1.6 cm and weigh around 1 gram.  By now my baby has eyelid folds, nerve cells and will just start to develop the retina.  The nose is starting to poke out and both the internal and external parts of the ears are growing.  And the arms have elbows!

How am I feeling?  It depends on the day, but severe morning sickness seems to make an appearance about every other day, it seems.  I'm not sure if it helps to eat a lot at night, but that happened last night and I've felt fine all day.  I've also been under a lot of stress lately, so I don't know if that made it worse.  For example, yesterday I didn't sleep well, plus I had to do the baking shift; maybe I would've been fine with one or the other, but both?

Any weird cravings?  Greasy food, like nachos and burgers.  Mmmm.  And still the spicy food.  Apparently the healthy food cravings only lasted a couple weeks.  However, due to my lack of time to eat properly, it could be simply my body needing food fast and not caring how it gets it.

Mood swings?  Still the same as before.

Any body changes?  Still the same: bigger breasts, bigger uterus. 

Oh and I had my second doctor's appointment today: so I had a breast exam, pap test and thyroid exam.  Everything checked out fine, but I guess I'll know if there's anything unusual next week.  Apparently, at 12 weeks we'll be able to hear the heartbeat, so we're aiming for that in the next visit!! :D

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