Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week #9 + 4 days

So, I did blood tests on both Friday and Monday, with a follow-up Dr's appointment this morning to see what was going on.  And?  They don't know.  My results were up slightly higher on Monday than Friday, but still lower than average (while still being in the normal range).

The Doctor (Dr. Cosio) then decided to feel my uterus - but it turns out that it tilts backwards, so she was unable to feel it to see if it was the normal size for how far along I am.

Out of hope, we tried to find the fetal heartbeat, but were unable - which is common for under 12 weeks pregnant since the uterus sits behind the pelvis until then. 

Dr. Cosio managed to pull some strings so I could get an ultrasound this afternoon - at 1:30 pm - so I guess we'll know more definitely then.  In the meanwhile, I'm going to have to pretty much drown myself so that I'll be hydrated enough (while not going to the bathroom) to see the baby - and hopefully its heartbeat.

Last night I was asked to step down as manager, which I did willingly since I was going to step down anyway.  He said that he could see how stressed I was and when I explained that I was pregnant, he said that I definitely shouldn't be so stressed.  I'll be paid out till the end of the month, regardless of how much I work, plus I have a ton of vacation pay coming my way.  In the meanwhile, I'll try to relax and find another job.  On the plus side, I'm completely freed up to go to my Dr's appointments as needed, especially the ultrasound this afternoon!  And if we find no sound where there should be a heartbeat, I'm going to need a few days to recover.

I'll just re-iterate that Dr. Cosio is optimistic because my levels did go up, so I'm hoping for the best, while preparing for the worst.

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