Welcome to the 3rd Trimester! (Also known as the most uncomfortable phase of your entire pregnancy.)
Lately I've been feeling nauseous at night and so, in an attempt to make myself more comfortable, I have been propping myself up with pillows. It seems to be working so far. Even lying on my side makes me feel sick, so I am assuming that getting my head up higher than the rest of my body is the way to alleviate the nausea. The kid's kicks/turns/happy hour are getting harder - but not as hard as I had originally assumed they would be. Soon he'll run out of space to wind up and his kicks will either become less frequent or less hard. Either one works for me.
I've decided that it's a lot harder to ignore the baby while he's kicking than I had originally thought. Especially while sitting. Just last night I was forced to get up and walk around a little just to ease the kicking - and it probably put the kid to sleep. Since I've been working for hours on end with my course, it means that I've been sitting for long periods of time as well. I don't know if he gets bored or cramped or what since he's taken to kicking me to the point where I have to get up. And he always stops when Kevin tries to feel him move. Crazy, hey? I swear he knows the difference between my hand and his dad's. Kevin put his ear to my belly last night and said that it sounded like running water - so, it may have been the heart beat or the amniotic fluid he heard.
Baby K now weighs in at a whopping 875 grams (just under 2 lbs) and measures 36.6 cm from head to heel (about 14.41 inches). My uterus is now about 7 cm above my belly button and 27 cm above my pubic bone.
It is around 27 or 28 weeks that the baby's eyelids unfuse and he will start to develop his sense of sight. His brain is still developing and his week special attention is paid to his forebrain, as well as the parts of the brain that deals with auditory and visual information.
If I end up developing gestational diabetes (I still haven't done that test yet...), it is right about now that I'll start to rapidly gain weight.
How am I feeling? Tired. Since I felt really sick a couple nights in a row, it really messed with my sleep; however, I think I may have that figured out now so it should (hopefully) improve. I know that today I definitely feel better than I did yesterday.
What am I craving this week? Pizza and Cadbury Creme eggs. Not necessarily at the same time though. I guess I'm craving just junk food in general.
Mood swings? I have no idea. I have been getting a workout lately (from shovelling) and I really do think exercise improves my mood, so I think I've been ok. You should see my arms now: they're excellent!
Any baby purchases? Nope.
What about the nursery? Still the same, although Isis has taken to sleeping on the bed every day. I think the baby is going to have a roommate!
I really haven't been feeling motivated to do much of anything lately, except work on my program. My cross-stitch has progressed a little, but I feel like I really can't be bothered to do anything else. Including fixing my computer or using Kevin's computer to upload pictures. One of these days, maybe. Apparently my "nesting" is supposed to kick in next week or so for the following month, so hopefully I'll manage to find the motivation to get things done.
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