I didn't think the Doctor's appointment I had last week warranted its own post and then proceeded to not update last week's post to include it. Sooo, here it is: baby is healthy and growing. He kept moving away from the doctor's fetal heart rate monitor when she tried listening to his heart - which he also did to the ultrasound tech, so at least he's consistent. I didn't ask for his heart rate, so I don't know what it is, but I peeked at the blood pressure monitor when I was having mine done, and I was at 90 beats per minute. Normally I'm at 72 (or lower). Wow! It explains why I'm sweltering at night and why this cold weather isn't bothering me (perk!) for once. And whenever someone mentions the "pregnancy glow" I just tell them it's all that blood going to my face and that I'm actually sweating. It has nothing to do with joy and happiness, lol. I also have my paperwork to get tested for gestational diabetes. *Fingers crossed for negative*
How's this for panic-inducing: I have 3.5 months left till my due date. Three and a half MONTHS before my life changes forever. I'm so not ready for this. I have less than 100 days before my baby is due, and, really, he could show up anytime now. I think I'm going to go hyperventilate now....
When he kicks, you can now see it from the outside, so one of these days I'm going to record the movement and upload it. Monday night I was resting my arm on my belly and doing my cross-stitch, so the stinker went and kicked my arm. Apparently he doesn't like his space being invaded - how ironic.
I am officially in maternity clothes now. I wear the jeans with the band and the long flowy shirts. I still have a couple of my normal shirts that I can wear, but my belly is starting to poke out of the bottom (so attractive, I know) so I've decided to just go with the maternity stuff. Oh, and my belly is lopsided. Honestly. I don't know if it does that normally or if it's just me (I have scoliosis and so my ribs and shoulder blade on one side stick out more than they do on the other - maybe that's why my belly looks like it does?). Also? I think my belly is adorable! It's just so cute and getting round - and it makes my butt/thighs/everything look tiny in comparison!! How's that for a perk?!
I've also finally started doing my Medical Transcription course! At first I was bored to tears with the hardware, software and technical computer aspect of it (especially considering I already spent 3 days doing the same thing, only to have to repeat again in more detail), but now I'm into the medical terminology aspect of it and, while overwhelming at times, I'm really loving it. If I finish the medical word building module by tomorrow (which I probably will) I'll be 5 weeks ahead of schedule. I'm trying to do as much of it as I can so then I'll have some wiggle room if I need to slow down or take a couple days off here and there (and not just when the baby is born).
By now my baby weighs about 760 grams (or 1.7 lbs) and is 35.6 cm long (or 14 inches). My uterus should now be about 6 cm above my belly button and 26 cm above my pubic bone and I should have gained between 16 and 22 lbs (I'm at 16 lbs).
So, while I'm sure the baby has developed some semblance of a sleeping pattern, I haven't figured it out. I do pay attention when he's kicking, but I don't mark it down times or anything. He likes moving when I'm being still, but other than thant, I have no idea. According to the website, back pain, leg cramps and pelvic pressure should be increasing...but...I haven't really been feeling that; although it could be because I sit on my butt all day. I do, however, feel winded when I walk too fast and if I've been sitting for a while and then walk it feels like the baby needs some time to readjust before it's comfortable for me.
How am I feeling? My sleeping patterns are still off-kilter, but I find that my schooling has put some of my early mornings to good use; however, it is nice to have the option to sleep in much later (like yesterday) if I need it. I also had the absolute worst case of heart burn last night: it felt like something was trying to claw its way out of my chest through my sternum! The only reason why I think it was heart burn was because I took some tums and it seemed to help; but because of my scoliosis, my ribcage and sternum aren't connected very well (instead of a hard connection, it's soft) so any pressure on my back or shoulders causes chest pain. It's very possible that it was a combination of both things that caused the pain.
What am I craving this week? Chocolate. This may not seem like such big news, but I'm craving it worse than the usual "chocolate would be lovely right about now" craving. It's a good thing we have so much kicking about the house still, although I did bake a pan of brownies last night. I read on one of my email newsletters (from babycenter.ca) that by now my baby has developed a sweet tooth, so I'm just going to go ahead and blame him for this.
Mood swings? I still find somethings hysterically funny, as much as one week later but I do feel like, in some instances, my easy-going nature has been replaced by something a little more sensitive. Especially with the due date looming so much closer and with my schooling taking up so much of my time. I think about how busy I am now and how it'll get just that much busier after he's born: and it's overwhelming. I've tried explaining it to Kevin, but his response is just: "you'll do fine." Which I'm sure I will, but it's hard to think about how I'll manage in a few months when I feel so busy already.
Any baby purchases? No and there probably won't be any for a while yet!
What about the nursery? Same condition as before, but with my schooling my cross-stitch has been taking backseat so I haven't been working on it as much as I was.
Next week I'll officially be in my Third Trimester! Only 14-ish more weeks left! .... ....
Oh, and PS, my computer isn't reading my USB plugs anymore, so I'm not sure when I'll update my pictures again. I could just go on Kevin's computer, upload from my camera and onto here, but we'll see if that actually happens.
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