Only 4 months left!!
My excitement level has been increasing with each passing week - and each kick. The little guy has been having a jolly time just cruising around in my belly and has been making his presence felt more each day. He still won't kick on demand, but his repetitive motions (while I'm lying down) has enabled Kevin to interact with him a little more. And he loves Glee music! I wasn't sure initially because on Christmas Eve I was singing along with a Karaoke CD with my niece and he started kicking up a storm. Then after returning home, I bought some albums on iTunes and he kicks whenever I listen to it. How fun is that?!
I've been feeling great this week! I even went for a crazy long walk with a friend on Tuesday night; granted, by the end of it I was nearly limping, but otherwise it was fantastic to get out and do something! I also had an amazing lunch date with two of my favourite ladies; everyone has been so crazy-busy with work and Christmas, so it was lovely to catch up. And by the way, I'm incredibly jealous that everyone seems to be joining a gym, but it would be useless for me to even bother (except for walking on the treadmill). Due to the fact that I need gym buddies to bother going, this would have been perfect for me! I'm looking on the bright side: after baby is born, if everyone is still going, they'll be in a routine which will make it even easier for me to go regularly. Yay!
I also think that I'm going to start posting pictures of my growing belly every week. If I remember.
Baby K now measures 30 cm (11.81 inches) in length - the length of a standard ruler - and weighs in at 600 grams (or 1.32 lbs). He is also considered "viable" at this stage; meaning, he would survive - with help - if he were to be born now. My uterus now sits 5.1 cm (or 2 inches) above my belly button. My baby's face and body are starting to fatten, so that now he looks like a newborn - albeit a tiny one - with most of his weight gain being in his muscles, developing organs and bone mass.
Due to changing hormones, the blood vessels in the nasal passages can swell causing more frequent nasal stuffiness or even nosebleeds. Luckily, I've only been stuck with a slightly runny nose; however, it is winter, so I don't really notice. But, if I were suffering more, a good way to cope would be to have a humidifier in the bedroom or to use nasal decongestants.
How am I feeling? Great! My lower back does get sore when I'm sitting for too long, but I almost think I'm getting used to it now. I've been sleeping better this week too (and getting up less at night) so I'm just peachy! Except for last night; last night I was up almost every 2-3 hours.
What am I craving this week? Peaches! Not all the time, but enough that I went and opened (and then consumed half of) a can of peaches. I still eat my mandarin oranges and I still like my spicier foods. Oh, but when we were buying ice cream, I wanted something with strawberries in it, not just a strawberry flavour, so that was a picky choice. It's a good thing Kevin is such a good sport about my pickiness, lol.
Mood swings? YES. I had a mini-meltdown over Christmas, which, in hindsight, wouldn't have been that dramatic if I wasn't pregnant. I still would've been super pissed off, but I wouldn't have broken down like I had. On the flip side, when I find something funny it's a full on laugh that doesn't stop. Maybe it wouldn't have been that funny if I wasn't pregnant, but if I have to be super emotional at least I get the perks of a really good laugh. It was totally at Kevin's expense, but I think he was just so pleased that I was laughing so hard that he went along with it. He was probably laughing at me laughing so hard.
Any baby purchases? No, but we received a Diaper Genie from Kevin's brother (and his family), so that was super awesome! We also received a couple other smaller items from my mom, and some cash from my brother (and family) for the baby. With the cash and some gift certificates, we plan on buying a play yard that has an included bassinet (not pictured) and change table.
What about the nursery? We still haven't put up the curtains/blinds yet, but that will be a quick job so we aren't feeling rushed about it. Now that the painting/set up is finished, it is such a huge relief and the incoming baby is becoming more real. I still get giddy when we walk past his room and I've starting imagining what he'll look like and who he'll take after in personality. Having spent Christmas with 3 of my nieces and then Boxing Day with the other 2, all of who have such different personalities, it is really exciting to think about.
Oh, so I have this theory about pregnancy. I believe that forgetting things (all the time) is a side affect of not sleeping enough, but I do truly believe that being pregnant makes you "stupid". Combined with the kicking and "momnesia", all you can think about is your growing baby. On top of that is an increased dependence on your partner (if you are fortunate enough to have one) as the growing belly makes it more difficult to perform easy tasks, such as tying your shoes. When you think about it, there is no evolutionary advantage to a pregnant woman being so vulnerable; nor for the newborn to be so helpless. All other creatures lack this aspect during gestation, and most newborns are capable of moving independently within hours of being born. Therefore, it is my belief that the woman's dependency draws her and her partner together during pregnancy to create a stronger family unit leading up to the baby's birth. The baby's vulnerability then leads the mother and father to take care of the baby which forges a close bond between all involved.
What do you think? Yea/Nay?