We have booked an appointment for Krew to see a physiotherapist, so hopefully we'll get that flat head dilemma figured out.
Krew has started talking up a storm! Well..."talking." He coos like pigeon and reminds me of the bird from Labyrinth:
Here's the video (sorry, it's a minute long):
And because I'm the best mom ever, here's a video of Krew crying (because it's super pitiful and slightly hilarious. Oh, and he was just complaining, he wasn't devasted about anything). Just look at that pout in between cries:
Krew can now roll over too! Technically he has been able to roll over for a while now, but only once, then he would be done for the day. Today, however, I set him up for tummy time and he rolled over three times in a row!!! So I had to capture it on video. And this is the video of the 3rd time:
For the most part, Krew is still a good sleeper. If he has a chill day he sleeps until 6:30 a.m. However, if he had an exciting day he wakes up at 4:30 a.m. If he has 2 exciting days in a row, he wakes up at 3 a.m. Like last night. I thought I had him all sorted out in terms of naps, but apparently I don't since he isn't just conking off like he used to. Gah!
He slept like a champ all of last week and so I was convinced he had a growth spurt. Now that he seems to have outgrown nearly all of his 3 month sleepers, I think I was right. Also, I just put him in a 3-6 month old onesie, and I don't think it fits him quite as loosely as it did before. He's getting so big!